Telephone Interview.What is a TI?
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Telephone Interview.What is a TI?
Thank you so much I really appreciate the tips!i wasn’t successful so maybe take this with a pinch of salt but from my feedback I was told in the scenario interviews my answers were not structured enough, I didn’t ask any clarifying questions on the cases they explained and I didn’t deliver advice to the clients with enough confidence.
My biggest tip would honestly be to treat the scenario more as a conversation where you are constantly clarifying pieces of information in order to get the best outcome for the client and what they exaclty want. I treated it far too much like a q&a with a correct answer at the end.
IIRC they just do one interview post-appFinal stage? I didn't realise anyone had heard back from Travers post-app! Good luck tho
Hey @jo,If I have an offer for a vac scheme in July, is it reasonable to ask for an early response from grad rec from firms that have been ghosting me post-VI/post-WG but have not invited me to AC? I'm aware that grad rec would be understanding of candidates who have attended ACs but haven't heard back post-AC and are under pressure to decide between a potential offer post-AC vs their existing offer from another firm, but is it rude to ask for an update before you're even invited to AC?
@Jessica Booker was wondering if you have any thoughts on this from a graduate recruiter's perspective?
Hey @ek125712,Does anyone know how long firms generally take to send over the written offer for a VS following the phone call?
This happened to my HL offer and I asked them about it, they responded that it was received (so I suppose they don't write back to confirm). But just to be sure you can write to them and ask.Should you expect a response to you emailing a firm to accept a vac scheme offer and sending them your completed personal details form? I sent my response about a week ago and haven’t had a reply so was wondering whether that’s normal or should I ask them whether they received my email?
It’s only been 3 days but just wanted to seeHey @jo,
I don't think that there is any harm in emailing! Jess might differ from me on this, but if you are keen to find out about your applications, this might serve as a nudge to the firms who are yet to get back to you!
Hey @ek125712,
For me this took between a few days to a couple of weeks. How long has it been since you were offered the scheme on the phone?
Hey @YUKI1201,White & Case VI - appreciate any tips! 🥰
Thank you George!! 🥰Hey @YUKI1201,
If you would like more generic VI advice, let me know and I can point you towards some of TCLA's resources for VIs in general.
In terms of W&C VI tips, my advice (based on doing the VI in 2021) would be to consider the firm's overall global strategy, be comfortable talking about the three whys and consider some basic competence questions!
I hope that helps 💪