Firm: PwC
Opportunity: Legal Summer Internship (London) 2022
23 Dec 2021 — applied and received automatic invite to Career Unlocked (Behavioural Based Assessment) by Arctic Shores
27 Dec 2021 — completed Arctic Shores Assessment (before deadline stipulated)
28 Dec 2021 — received Arctic Shores Assessment/Career Unlocked feedback report
04 Feb 2022 — received this video interview invite:
"Congratulations for passing the Behavioural Based Assessment and the screening stage: you are now one step closer to potentially receiving an offer! You are now going to be invited to the next stage of assessment which is called Career Conversation, otherwise known as the recorded video interview".
12 Feb 2022 — completed HireVue VI (before deadline stipulated)
23 Feb 2022 — PFO
"I hope this email finds you well. This is an update on your application for the Legal Summer Internship with us. Though you have passed the Video Interview, you have unfortunately not met the benchmarks in order to progress to the next stage of assessment. It is therefore with regret that we confirm you will not be progress to the Career Focus Day and that your application is being declined".
I'm VERY confused by the PFO email and what they mean by the "benchmarks" that I have failed to meet — does this mean I failed certain aspects of the Arctic Shores assessment and therefore will not be progressed even though I did fine in the VI? If this is the case why did they tell me that I passed the behavioural based assessment when I was invited to VI? Or are they talking about some other "benchmarks" that we don't know about?
If I'm being rejected because I failed all/part of the Arctic Shores assessment, why did they even progress me to VI in the first place - is it because they want to give those who perhaps didn't do well in the initial assessment to prove themselves in the VI, and then review the application holistically (taking into account both VI and Arctic Shores performance) before deciding who gets to progress? If this is the case, why am I told that I "passed the video interview", but will not be progressed anyway? Could it be because I "passed the VI" but when reviewed together with my poor Arctic Shores performance, is still not good enough to progress compared to other candidates?
I'm just disheartened that I'm being told that I "passed the VI" but still will not be progressed, and not being told why. Would hate to think that I performed okay in the VI but am being rejected because I didn't do so well in Arctic Shores

Also, I'm just generally really disappointed that I keep getting rejected from law firms because of psychometric tests when I have done relatively okay in other assessments e.g. application writing and VI. Is it worth emailing to ask what exactly is the "benchmark" they're referring to? I doubt they'll reply though, as they would just see this as another candidate asking for individual feedback, which they are unable to provide?