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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Esteemed Member
Premium Member
Oct 8, 2021
Congratulations to anyone who has succeeded in their quest for an AC/VS/TC. This process is absolutely brutal mentally. Even taking away the rejections and applications, just the waiting is torturous. Example: I got in 99th percentile in a WG tests 6 weeks ago and have still heard nothing and now fully expect a PFO somehow. It is just horrendous isn’t it.


Legendary Member
  • Nov 16, 2021
    What are you guys' thoughts on using all of the word limit for application questions? I understand that CC outlined that one of the biggest reasons for rejection was not using the whole word limit but how much is enough/not enough?

    Striving to use 100% of the word limit is slowly killing me. Especially in firms that have a combined word count of 1500-2000. Its so exhausting!


    Star Member
    Oct 15, 2021
    admittedly I'm someone who doesn't, & never has, care about timing (had a gap year = 1 year 'behind', studied History = another year 'behind', started a career in another sector = why not add another year 'behind'. This process clearly is brutal and competitive; think how satisfying it will be when you (we) get that offer in the end! It's really easy to compare yourself to the bloke on LinkedIn with their 5 'Vacation Scheme Offer Holder' tags but at the end of the day it's irrelevant: you can only accept one and then everyone's level again! Just my two cents on the topic:)


    Legendary Member
    Premium Member
    May 17, 2021
    Congratulations to anyone who has succeeded in their quest for an AC/VS/TC. This process is absolutely brutal mentally. Even taking away the rejections and applications, just the waiting is torturous. Example: I got in 99th percentile in a WG tests 6 weeks ago and have still heard nothing and now fully expect a PFO somehow. It is just horrendous isn’t it.
    So sorry but that’s amazing! What firm if you don’t mind me asking? Is it Freshfields


    Distinguished Member
  • Feb 22, 2021
    PFO from PwC after arctic shores, but still nothing from Taylor Wessing... which was also Arctic Shores but not including logical reasoning. Yikes.
    Let me just say that this doesn't mean anything bad necessarily! The test might be the same but the organisations might be very different! I have done Arctic Shores for 2 companies in the past- got into the first, didn't get into the second, more or less the same traits. Plus the second company turned me down even though things like my ability to process large quantities of information were at the max. So try not to overthink (something which I am very guilty of doing!). Taylor Wessing, according to their grad rec team, likes to mix and match different personalities so it really doesn't mean you have no chances of getting in because PwC turned you down :)


    Legendary Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Jul 22, 2020
    Can anyone give me some advice in terms of calming down after an AC? Just did an AC with CC today and tbh there are answers that I'm pretty disappointed with, and when I think of it now I should be able to give better answers. How to stop myself from thinking about that:(:(
    It's really just as simple as reaffirming you have done your best, and, however much you'd like to, you cannot turn back time. The past is the past, so let's focus on the now! Try and distract yourself by doing things you enjoy. Hope for the best for you :)

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    What are you guys' thoughts on using all of the word limit for application questions? I understand that CC outlined that one of the biggest reasons for rejection was not using the whole word limit but how much is enough/not enough?

    Striving to use 100% of the word limit is slowly killing me. Especially in firms that have a combined word count of 1500-2000. Its so exhausting!
    No one will notice if it is 10-15% under. Any more than this, and I usually expect they are looking for more of a well-rounded or in-depth answer.


    Legendary Member
    Premium Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Dec 13, 2020
    Let me just say that this doesn't mean anything bad necessarily! The test might be the same but the organisations might be very different! I have done Arctic Shores for 2 companies in the past- got into the first, didn't get into the second, more or less the same traits. Plus the second company turned me down even though things like my ability to process large quantities of information were at the max. So try not to overthink (something which I am very guilty of doing!). Taylor Wessing, according to their grad rec team, likes to mix and match different personalities so it really doesn't mean you have no chances of getting in because PwC turned you down :)
    Entirely agree! I was invited to AC for TW but was rejected from PwC! :)
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