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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Distinguished Member
Jan 23, 2021
For what it's worth I'll still be doing direct TCs. Best to be a bit strategic on this front as with some firms the odds for direct TC are vanishingly slim and imo the best thing about flunking out of the VS cycle is being able to enjoy evenings and weekends unbothered by the Damocles' Sword of rejection. Top priority for me will be firms whose vacs aren't open to grads - Freshies, SullCrom - and who don't actually have vac schemes - Fried Frank, Paul Hastings - + some with hefty enough intakes that direct recruitment is nontrivial (W&C, Bakers (I think), Ashurst (again, I think)).

At a certain point my strategy is to basically take rolling firms with cover letters that binned me this year and just prep them for next cycle so I can fire off like six apps day 1, but that's kind of a side project until July when directs are all wrapped up.

Strongly recommend aggressively tapping the market for paralegal work if you can, there's loads on right now - mostly in-house but much of that with highly credible financial services firms (if that's your bag), which experience might be a gamechanger next cycle
SullCrom does take grads though, I applied as a postgrad (was rejected, but they had sent me their 'maybe pile' email and let me know the outcome the day after apps closed). I think there are some firms that don't let you apply in the same cycle for a Direct TC if you have been rejected for a VS - but not sure if W&C is one of them. NRF is also a firm with a sizeable direct TC intake if you are interested!
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
if we are drafting an email during a written exercise, do we sign off with our real names or [trainee]?
Your real names are appropriate unless the exercise is name blind (the firm will tell you if this is the case) or if the instructions explicitly tell you it needs to come from someone else.

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019

I'm applying to Winckworth Sherwood and there is a 600 word statement to complete. One of the suggested points to include is "what contribution do you expect to make to the business during your TC and future career at the firm?".

Can anyone please advise as to what this actually means? I'm not sure how to approach this.

It is looking for you to analyse how you think your particular skill set or characteristics may benefit the firm. Think about the role of a trainee/junior lawyer and how you think you may add particular value to either clients or your colleagues.
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Junior Lawyer
Jul 22, 2020
For team work competency questions, is it ok to use examples where I was a team leader?
You can do, but remember they might also ask you to mention a time when you were a leader and it may not be good to use the same example twice. Try and think of any teamwork example, even if it's simple like a group project at uni!

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Thanks! I saw on Chambers Student that it was name blind but then the firm didn't mention anything about that. I've just finished it and I used my real name.
If they didn't mention it or it wasn't in the instructions of the exercise, then there is nothing to worry about. They may redact it out before it is marked if it needs to be name blind.
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