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any tips on trying to move on from disastrous AC?! Feel like I've left myself down!
I failed mine yesterday, got rejected this morning.any tips on trying to move on from disastrous AC?! Feel like I've left myself down!
You should definitely take her feedback offer, I went to lots of her events when she worked for Aspiring Solicitors and she's probably the reason I've gotten this far today!willkie pfo post-VI. very much expected, it was the worst VI i have ever done 😂😂
Gemma was kind enough to offer a feedback phone call, which is rare at VI stage, but i’ll pass 😭
I’d encourage you to get the feedback - you’ll need to get very comfortable with giving and receiving feedback in the career and it’s a great way to get used to it, even if it does hit hard or seem obvious.willkie pfo post-VI. very much expected, it was the worst VI i have ever done 😂😂
Gemma was kind enough to offer a feedback phone call, which is rare at VI stage, but i’ll pass 😭
Agree with this 100%, but I hadn’t interacted with Gemma through AS, instead I watched a webinar on applications and Gemma was one of the speakers, her advice was not only excellent but also very motivating and I actually feltYou should definitely take her feedback offer, I went to lots of her events when she worked for Aspiring Solicitors and she's probably the reason I've gotten this far today!
When I was preparing I would check the partners in case I’d named a particular practice area or deal I was interested in. Just in case you name a specific deal in your app and you end up in an interview with the partner who led it! It wouldn’t look great if they were really keen to talk about it and then you’d just namedropped it in the application and couldn’t talk about it.When you are given your interviewer's name, are there particular things you are expected to know/research about them?
It says in my email within 5 working days you’ll get links to book - so maybe Monday?Has anyone heard from Willkie re booking written exercises yet?
Hi @gracelaw_,@George Maxwell So I have this question specifically for HSF also and I am just wondering whether you believe my reasons below are ok? So I essentially know that HSF are a full-service firm with strengths across numerous practice areas (corporate and disputes) but my specific reasons for my interest revolve around their strength in IP, allowing you to specialise in particular sectors in TC (specifically interested here in corporate strengths at firm and how I can specifically do life sciences/tech work here as interested in these industries), and their focus on innovation.
So in line with these reasons, I have also applied to firms like TW, Bird & Bird (which are actually quite different to HSF as not as well-rounded as they specialise more in these areas I am interested in). With this in mind, when speaking about other firms I have applied to and why and my motivation for HSF – would you say this reasoning isn’t strong enough/doesn’t apply to HSF enough or is fine because of their full-service nature and its natural to take a specific interest in certain things?
I hope what I am asking makes sense!
This doesn’t actually apply in my scenario, I didn’t mention a practice area or deal, but I’ll have a look at any interesting deals or firm initiatives he’s worked on. Thank you!When I was preparing I would check the partners in case I’d named a particular practice area or deal I was interested in. Just in case you name a specific deal in your app and you end up in an interview with the partner who led it! It wouldn’t look great if they were really keen to talk about it and then you’d just namedropped it in the application and couldn’t talk about it.
I don’t know how common this situation is, or whether this is expected, @Jessica Booker would probably be best placed to answer this!