“Dear Andrew Nealon” is finehi for the V&E cover letter, do i address it as
Dear Training Principal,
or do i somehow say Andrew Nealon too?
I understand the struggle.. fellow north american here 😂and wondering whether Priti Patel will deport my gay ass back to North America if I can’t secure a work visa
Do you ever meet random North Americans on the streets of London and think “OMG we are practically related?”I understand the struggle.. fellow north american here 😂
Hmm, I'm guessing what they mean by non-technical commercial stuff is just commercial news/general awareness of what's going on in the world? Perhaps when describing topics think back to how this is relevant to the firm and its clients, give your opinion on it, discuss opportunities/challenges that it may bring. In addition, when discussing the topics, are you demonstrating interest/sound enthusiastic or is your tone starting to flat-line a little. Things like thatHey, I could do with a bit of advice. I have had two AC's before (both unsuccessful)). My feedback for the first one was that I was a little over rehearsed and probably a little rigid (I think a lot of this related to nerves). In the second AC the feedback was mostly very positive, they said I spoke very well, gave strong, well-structured answers, for the competency interview (they gave no negative feedback here). And in the case study said my presentation was strong, detailed and I delivered it well. They said the one weak point was commerciality, and that whilst I was technically sound, when asked about non-technical commercial stuff my answers lacked depth.
Now I have two more upcoming AC's and really can't afford to not get these (one of them is with Clifford Chance, so would be absolutely gutted if I missed out). Would anyone have any advice on how I could go that extra step this time, to make sure I was successful?
(please let me know if there is a more applicable forum for this sort of question)
I'm not Jessica but I've done this before and got progressed!Hi @Jessica Booker , I received an invite to Latham's VI today (Friday), but I have not been sent the Launchpad email yet - I'm anticipating the Launchpad invite to arrive perhaps tomorrow or Monday? I will have 5 days from the arrival of the Launchpad email to complete the VI.
I'm in my second year of my LLB now and I have exams from Monday through to Friday next week, and I don't think I can write my exams and prep for the VI at the same time. Will it reflect badly on me if I emailed grad rec to ask for an extension to complete my Launchpad VI? Does grad rec generally expect candidates to follow through without any delays? I am aware that firms are willing to make reasonable adjustments for mitigating circumstances, but I'm pretty sure a VI deadline clash with uni exams doesn't count as a mitigating circumstanceI'm really worried that I will come across as incompetent for telling them that I can't manage my exams and complete the VI at the same time.
If I do email them, I am prepared for them to say no and that I'm expected to stick to the deadline out of fairness to other candidates. If they say no, I'll of course find a way to juggle both, but I think it will severely impact my performance on both the VI and my exams, so would really appreciate it if it can be pushed back the week after. Any advice would be appreciated!
Haven't heard back from summer, but a friend of mine got their spring VS offerHi just wondering if anyone has heard anything from HSF about the vacation scheme?
Congrats! For which programme ?Kennedys invited me to an SST for their SQE programme! 😊