Hi all! I'm drafting my cover letter and not sure which approach I should take. In explaining 'why me', would it be better to 1) just give details of experiences and let the GR infer the skills or 2) highlight what skills I developed in those experiences and describe how they can be applied in commercial law/the firm?
Appreciate any tips!!
I have an interview at Slaughter & May coming up and have a question about answering questions like 'why the firm' and 'why commercial law'. I have already written a cover letter that covers these two questions. Does that mean I should expand on what I have already written, repeat it in new words or have a completely new answer?
@YUKI1201 I'd suggest stating a skill/attribute you have ➡️ giving an example of how you have applied it ➡️ linking your skill/attribute back to the firm's ethos/vision/goals by stating how you'll apply it in your role. Does this make sense?
@ellek having core reasons and being ready to expand on them with further mini-reasons always worked for me. For example, if I said that I liked a firm's training contract structure, I'd go into specifics about what I liked in particular, including secondment opportunities, seat structure, the support I'd have during my training etc. I hope this helps!
Ugh I sounded SO robotic on my VI. Literally awfully robotic and repeated a lotso disappointed. I’m soooo bad at these. It’s weird because I’m usually quite good at interviews and have no problem passing that stage, but I just struggle with VIs so much
I can also relate to the problem of repeating yourself. I literally just had a VI and in the middle of one of my answers, I got lost in my own train of thoughts and just started to repeat myself. Perhaps each time try only to make 2/3 distinct points and try to answer as concisely as possible? And doing some practice beforehand will surely help. It's something that I need to work on as well, so good luck to you and me!
VIs can be really difficult to master- I remember practising day and night to try and get better at them (not saying that you have to do the same! 😅) I made a post recently with my best tips and resources to practice that I hope will be helpful to you. Let me know how you get on with your applications! Wishing you the best 😇