Thank-you George - v. kind of you!@LongSufferingLawGrad this is fantastic news!
I did not realise you had been successful with your W&C application!!
So first, I need to post a celebratory gif:
Second, the WVS is likely to be different to the Spring scheme that I did. GR will tell you when you start (in my experience they told us the exact day!). Sorry that I cannot be more help than that.
After you finish and it does come to that day, my advice is really to try not to sit by your phone waiting. It was honestly awful and stressful. We can chat about that when the time comes 🚀
For now though, I really hope that you have/are celebrating.
Great news all round @jamesfp, @LongSufferingLawGrad and @mm26!
A glass of champagne was enjoyed and I am now looking forward to getting involved!
Your support is much appreciated!