TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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  • Jan 17, 2019
    Has anyone previously completed the first-round video interview with the GR at BCLP? If you have, could you pls dm? I could really do with some advice and help please.
    Have you been invited recently? Either way, congrats!

    I received my feedback report from the tests a few days ago and been waiting to hear back since!
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  • Jan 17, 2019
    I’m pretty sure I completed the test like 3 weeks ago.
    And quick tip, after speaking to a bunch of GR, they stated that if you ever come across an SJT that has a critical thinking or reasoning section in it at the end, if you ever get critical reasoning/thinking as one of your strengths, you’re almost guaranteed to get through to the next stage.

    good luck btw x
    Lol I got critical reasoning as one so I hope you’re right!
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    Legendary Member
  • Nov 30, 2020
    Hiya I did Hogan AC on Tuesday and was offered the winter VS the next day!

    On a side note - just want to say thanks to everyone on here and all the valuable content. This is my first ever cycle and I had no idea what a vac scheme was or how to approach any of this stuff even 3 months ago. I've literally looked at every single thread over the past 3 months and every resource on here and been to every virtual event I can and been meticulous with my approach (i've had a diary with what I'm doing each day dependent on deadlines etc. from August 25th that continues through to December).

    If anyone has any questions defo message me as I'm keen to give back. I know how alien the process looks, particularly if you're a non-law student (or non-law grad like me!). However, it makes a lot more sense once you drill down to what law firms are actually looking for and what exactly you are looking for.
    Congrats, how many firms did you apply to?


    Valued Member
    Apr 2, 2020
    Anyone know which firms have relatively 'generic/easy' applications? I am currently working full time and unfortunately barely have any time to write applications, let alone do research into v niche questions on some apps.
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  • Sep 8, 2020
    This happened to me, just shoot them an email with the screenshot. They should have your results.
    Thank you! How long did it take them to respond? I’m so nervous!
    Grad rec for Reed Smith sent me two SST tests by mistake. I completed one but the system says I have another outstanding... I've emailed grad rec. Will this be an issue?
    I have two too. Are we sure they’re not different tests?


    Distinguished Member
    Sep 29, 2019
    Anyone heard back from Linklaters? Definitely thinking PFO now
    I had my AC on Tuesday and I believe they were only running WVS ACs on Monday-Wednesday. They told us that there was a spot for everyone who attends the AC. I expect that positions will open up if those at the AC were unsuccessful. We are supposed to hear back by next week so don't lose hope!


    Esteemed Member
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    Sep 15, 2020
    I had my AC on Tuesday and I believe they were only running WVS ACs on Monday-Wednesday. They told us that there was a spot for everyone who attends the AC. I expect that positions will open up if those at the AC were were unsuccessful. We are supposed to hear back by next week so don't lose hope!
    Ok, thank you!!
    • 🤝
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