This is so annoying! And it’s annoying because the dates are so random on when people are receiving offers? How do they do it maybe alphabetical?Anyone still waiting for CC?
HL online test invite
I'm a final year History student!For those that have gotten offers from CC - are any of you not in your penultimate? I have this feeling that maybe they are first giving offers to penultimates and filling any left spaces with others (graduates and final years)
I’m a graduate !For those that have gotten offers from CC - are any of you not in your penultimate? I have this feeling that maybe they are first giving offers to penultimates and filling any left spaces with others (graduates and final years)
Yeah my link is dead as well!Me too! Except my test link doesn't work...does yours?
Likewise, they’ve circulated an email regarding this issue - they’re gonna re-sendMe too! Except my test link doesn't work...does yours?
I believe so but don’t quote me on itDoes anyone know if HL review applications before sending WG invites?
Yes I am waitinganyone still waiting for CC update? has anyone gotten a PFO at all?
This makes sense, this is reassuring to hear! I may start direct TC apps then as this cycle seems to be nearing its end hahaI don’t think how much work experience you have is necessarily that relevant, besides the fact that it can support the fact that you’re sure you want to pursue a career in law without having done the “trial run” of a vac scheme. I think on the whole it makes more sense for graduates / career changers / people with other responsibilities that mean it is very difficult to take 2 weeks off in the summer, to apply for a direct TC. I’ve got 2.5 years of paralegal experience but applying for a direct TC for me more has to do with the fact that taking time off work would be very annoying and difficult. But I imagine someone with work experience in an unrelated field, who can demonstrate why they are passionate about working in law without doing a vac scheme, could very well succeed at a direct TC application if they decided that was a better match for their schedule.
where's the thread which the list for direct TCs. I feel like its mainly the magic circle that recruit from direct TCS but not too sureThis makes sense, this is reassuring to hear! I may start direct TC apps then as this cycle seems to be nearing its end haha
I got a PFOAnymore CC updates?
What time did you hear back if you don’t mind me askingI got a PFOvery disappointed as I felt my feedback was quite good