Hi everyone, has anyone applied before and know what the time frame is for hearing back?
I also applied in December but only heard back in March. So definitely take no news as good news!
It's TCLA's birthday today. Thank you Guest for joining us in this journey. We are seven years old :). For today only, you can use 'SEVEN' for 50% off TCLA Premium Gold and TCLA Academy.
Hi everyone, has anyone applied before and know what the time frame is for hearing back?
'No news is good news' only applies when a company has started reviewing applications and there is no evidence to suggest LL have ...I also applied in December but only heard back in March. So definitely take no news as good news!
Has anyone heard back from Linklaters or know when we shall hear back?
The Capp assessment consists of 7 different modules each based on a different "deal/situation". Its an SJT: you basically are given a scenario with different options and you have to rank what you would do (e.g. your friend is struggling with a task but ur given a new task by ur principal, would u help the friend, tell them u cant and focus on the task etc.). There are also more general questions about the type of person that you are (E.g. do it perfectly but miss the deadline vs. submit with mistakes but meet the deadline) and you basically answer these questions using a slide bar. There is no time-limit and no way to prepare for this: its literally based on who you are but bear in mind the AGILE framework to make sure that your answers align with LL's "expectations".
As for the WG everyone has to pass it and you can request your results after having passed it. Let me know if you have any more questions!
Hello! This was really helpful! The website says that the assessment can be completed in 60-90 minutes but does not mention whether that is a time limit.
So I wanted to know if there is a time limit on the assessment, or if there is no time limit but the time will be taken into account like it is for the HSF SJT, or whether time does not matter at all?
Thank you!
Does anyone know whether they reject people first or last? Thanks!
I hadn’t emailed them, I just received it - but I guess if you haven’t received it, it’s not generic? I also didn’t get it straight after I had applied either, if that helps.Hey Yasmine, was this sent as a reply to a queiry or a generic email automatically sent out to all applicants as I didn’t receive one and would need to chase it up
Hey, I haven't received this either! My application still shows as "On Hold" (66%) on the system.Hey Yasmine, was this sent as a reply to a queiry or a generic email automatically sent out to all applicants as I didn’t receive one and would need to chase it up
That’s an automated email - anyone who hadn’t got it check your junk mail and if you can log back into the system check your email is correct. Any live applications are likely to have received it.
Thank you, Jessica. I have checked both my email and junk folder and there is nothing there. It would be interesting to know if this means that "I have been rejected" or "I am in the no pile" but they haven't updated their portal yet.
I applied to Links and then I just remembered that I may have forgotten to add a module from my first year it was "IT for Language students" (basically an online course, everyone needs to pass and I did pass it). I have already emailed GR to add something to my app so not sure what to do. I don't want to email them again but I don't want them to think I was dishonest for not mentioning 5 credits pass/fail Module. .... I can't even go through my app to check if I added it or not .....