It's TCLA's birthday today. Thank you Guest for joining us in this journey. We are seven years old :). For today only, you can use 'SEVEN' for 50% off TCLA Premium Gold and TCLA Academy.
I see, okay thank you! Good luck for your apps xThe PFO hasn’t been sent yet but the Portal shows application unsuccessful for SOME. ☺️
Are most portals updating today if they have applied to TC or have some VS portals been updated too?
I think it’s just direct TCs that have been part of the rejections at the momentI applied for the summer VS and I appear to still be on hold but who knows 🤷🏻♀️😂
A massive batch of spring vs rejections went out last weekI think it’s just direct TCs that have been part of the rejections at the moment
Just answer the questions as you would actually respond.Hello @Jessica Booker, hope you are doing well. Too early to ask this since the Direct TC window at Links isn't going to open anytime soon but it would be great if you could please answer it. My question is regarding the CAPP test. A few months back I read a post on the forum that really talked about the underbelly of the CAPP assessment test at Linklaters and how honesty is actually the best strategy to do well on the test (instead of marking answers according to their Agile mindset framework).
What would be the best piece of advice that you would want to give someone attempting the test. Should he/she be 100% honest no matter what, or should the responses be a healthy mix of honesty + an understanding of their Agile mindset framework.
Secondly, if there is a question that gives us a choice to go home early or stay in the office to help a colleague, my concern is that even if I honestly want to help the colleague, I would hesitate to mark that answer since I feel that it might look dishonest to the Grad Rec team. So should I alter my response keeping in mind how things might look to the Grad Rec members or should I keep it 100% real regardless?
I've heard that they might test the same competency twice by giving you two situations around the same competency and if you end up contradicting yourself, it's over. But to be honest, somedays I might really want to go home early and on somedays I think I might want to help a colleague out, I'm just confused.
Also, it would be great if others who have attempted the CAPP could jump in on the discussion since it's a very recent method of assessment and most future trainees at Links who I have tried reaching out to over LinkedIn for some CAPP tips, just haven't attempted the test.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you so much for your answer.Just answer the questions as you would actually respond.
Don’t try to second guess what they are reading into it (a recruiter doesn’t even see you responses, so can’t have an opinion on whether you are honest or not).
Look at each question carefully and just think - what could I realistically do in this situation?
The point about it all being over if you contradict yourself is one of those awful myths that gets perpetuated by people who don’t know how these assessments are designed.
If anybody applied for the Middle East TC with Linklaters, is it normal that the progress bar on the portal shows 60? It seems after having a read through this forum that everybody is at 70%. However, I've already finished the online tests a while back and am at the 'candidate review' stage (which is in yellow). Thank you all for your help