@Jessica Booker Jess, I recently had a fairly short phone interview (15 - 20 mins), it consisted of maybe 4 - 5 competency / motivational questions, and at the end the interviewer said something along the lines of "Ok, thanks for your answers, just to let you know you should find out the outcome of your interview by the end of the week and if you've made it through, we'll be in touch next week to set up the AC. Do you have any questions?". I thanked her and went with the questions I'd been meaning to ask, something about their international opportunities and secondments.
But the thing is, it felt very unnatural for some reason. Maybe it was due to the short length of the interview, maybe because of her tone which almost seemed to indicate "do you have any questions
about what I just said", I don't know, but thinking about it in retrospect, my question re secondments seems now like the most rehearsed, artificial question ever (and her answer wasn't too enthusiastic either, further lending to my belief).
Is it possible that in short phone interviews, my questions for them should be different than the ones I'd ask after a full-scale interview? Or even entirely omitted?