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General Discussion Thread 2020-21

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Junior Lawyer
May 13, 2020
If anyone has already taken the Simmons online tests (VRT and LRT), VI and written exercise could you please give me some insight?

I’ve usually had just one test to do so would appreciate any advice on how to plan and sit these tests/VI over the 5 days.
I did the VI last year however was unsuccessful. Happy to discuss potential q's that you could prepare for.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
What exactly is Aspiring Solicitors? I've seen them as an option on a lot of applications, and I know of the CAC, but I'm not sure what they exactly do!

Their purpose is to improve access to the profession and they support all strands of diversity through that.

All their activity is driven by this cause, whether it is their events, their mentoring programmes their work experience programmes etc. So it works like Rare or SEO really, but just covers all’s sections of diversity.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Does anyone have any good tips/advice in regards to answering curveball questions? Would be interested to hear any super out there ones you've been asked!

I've been asked about a time I broke a rule, and also to explain one of my 2nd yr modules to the interviewers as if they were 16...

The second one to me isn’t really a curve ball in my opinion. It’s quite common for an interview to ask you to explain something on your CV to someone who has no knowledge about it.

Some of the curve ball questions I have heard:

What unconventional view of the world do you have?

How many postboxes are there in the U.K.?

Which business do you admire the most and why?

If you were senior partner of this firm, what would prioritise as the first thing you want to change?

If you could be anyone else in the world right now, who would you be?
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  • Jun 2, 2019
    The second one to me isn’t really a curve ball in my opinion. It’s quite common for an interview to ask you to explain something on your CV to someone who has no knowledge about it.

    Some of the curve ball questions I have heard:

    What unconventional view of the world do you have?

    How many postboxes are there in the U.K.?

    Which business do you admire the most and why?

    If you were senior partner of this firm, what would prioritise as the first thing you want to change?

    If you could be anyone else in the world right now, who would you be?

    For the last question: I would want to be the partner who is interviewing me and I'd offer a TC to myself :D


    New Member
    Nov 2, 2020
    Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone was able to help out on issue I have. I have had to resubmit a piece of coursework: does this count as an exam resit? I don’t want to drag my application down unnecessarily if it isn’t but I do want to be honest as I know that is very important. My transcript says attempted: 2, so maybe I should...


    Legendary Member
    Nov 28, 2019
    In an application form that has a separate question about 'explain your extra-curricular activities/leisure interests & awards/responsibilities in academics'; do you not have to talk about the firm or commercial law? Can you just answer the question without relating it back to why you want to be a commercial lawyer at that firm? :)

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone was able to help out on issue I have. I have had to resubmit a piece of coursework: does this count as an exam resit? I don’t want to drag my application down unnecessarily if it isn’t but I do want to be honest as I know that is very important. My transcript says attempted: 2, so maybe I should...

    yes this would be a resit and should be declared.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    In an application form that has a separate question about 'explain your extra-curricular activities/leisure interests & awards/responsibilities in academics'; do you not have to talk about the firm or commercial law? Can you just answer the question without relating it back to why you want to be a commercial lawyer at that firm? :)

    Absolutely no reason to link this back to the firm or commercial law unless explicitly asked to do so.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    I am getting an awful lot of PMs at the moment about the same subject.

    Mistakes on application forms.

    And by mistakes, I don’t mean typos or grammatical errors, I mean you presenting your experiences incorrectly - eg presenting dates of work experience wrong, presenting your grades incorrectly etc.

    This is the kind of stuff no one else will necessarily pick up on until a reference check is made. If I review an application, or a friend does it a careers service person does, they aren’t going to know your dates and grades. It is absolutely vital that you check these details to ensure things are correct. If you are unsure what you achieved or when you did something, go and check and find out so that you are sure before applying - it’s your responsibility to do this.

    There isn’t really an excuse for these mistakes on an application form beyond them being YOUR mistake. And making these errors is worse than a typo/grammatical mistake because you are presenting false information and it will only bring into question whether you have wrongly presented this information to benefit your application rather than it being an honest mistake. Given integrity and attention to detail are important parts of the job, you don’t want one of your first impressions to be that either of these qualities are brought into question.

    Please invest time reviewing these details as only you can be held responsible for them.


    Esteemed Member
    Sep 17, 2020
    Hey guys

    I read this on Mayer Brown's website
    Mayer Brown is the only integrated law firm with approximately 200 or more lawyers in each of the world’s three largest financial centres — New York, London and Hong Kong — the backbone of the global economy.

    Could anyone help me out, I'm not sure what an 'integrated law firm is'? I know lots of law firms have more than 200 lawyers in the London, NY and HK office. So what does Mayer Brown mean... i'm guessing the answer lies in what an integrated law firm is?

    Thank you :D


    Legendary Member
    Sep 23, 2020
    Hey guys

    I read this on Mayer Brown's website
    Mayer Brown is the only integrated law firm with approximately 200 or more lawyers in each of the world’s three largest financial centres — New York, London and Hong Kong — the backbone of the global economy.

    Could anyone help me out, I'm not sure what an 'integrated law firm is'? I know lots of law firms have more than 200 lawyers in the London, NY and HK office. So what does Mayer Brown mean... i'm guessing the answer lies in what an integrated law firm is?

    Thank you :D
    It means they share their clients and their work, and there is one pool of money.
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