Just my 2p, I'd tend to say that this is a case by case issue too!What’s a good overall degree grade in your opinion @Jessica Booker ? Is it one with no flurries of 2:2 either![]()
You could have a candidate with an outstanding academic record (A's, 1st degree), but, if they have no substance as a candidate in other areas, then they're still unlikely to progress through the recruitment process particularly far. Similarly, you could have a candidate with fairly average or good results, but not outstanding, who are much more rounded with other factors and/ or contextual/ mitigating circumstances are taken into account.
I consider myself more in the second category, for example. I've a mix of 1sts, 2:1s and 2:2s through uni (1sts and 2:1s in all Honours subjects), with fairly average school grades (AABBC at SQA Higher), but I've always had loads of other stuff on my CV to talk about like owning my own businesses etc. I've also had some mitigating circumstances (broke my back during 2nd year uni for example).
I would always encourage candidates to look holistically at themselves/ their apps rather than considering academics in isolation