oh no no! I didn't mean to cause any stress sorry! It's for a diversity schemeIs this for a video interview? I hadn't realised that DWF had started contacting people yet. Which office did you apply for?
oh no no! I didn't mean to cause any stress sorry! It's for a diversity schemeIs this for a video interview? I hadn't realised that DWF had started contacting people yet. Which office did you apply for?
Hiya,I'm waiting to hear back from 4 firms - I have seen both rejections and AC/VS offers for these firms so I don't really know what to make of it. Am I possibly still being considered and in the 'maybe' pile or do firms just wait to reject all the unwanted candidates at the end after ACs are done? Really not sure how to feel
Does anyone have any tips for group exercises? I’ve done one during an open day in first year and there was someone who talked majority of the time and talked over me at some point, so I didn’t really want to contribute after that. Any tips when doing this for a vac scheme AC?
You never know- you may be the first person on the yes list! Don't doubt yourself!Same to you! Yeah I really like them so I'll be a little gutted if I'm rejected. What makes me nervous is that I think the interview went ok, but I was one of the first 3 people the recruiter interviewed, so she now gets to compare me to loads of other candidates who I'm sure were equally good if not better!
Yes - was invited to AC yesterday!! Did my WG about 3 weeks ago so they're definitely taking their time I think.
Hi! I was wondering whether anyone was still waiting on HSF for the summer vac scheme? I completed the test back in Nov/Dec and I've seen a few people getting rejections, ACs etc, and I swear I even saw someone on linkedin already get a place on the vac scheme?
My personal approach to questions like these would be to to approach them from a developmental and constructive point of view. Whilst I definitely do think issues like culture and vac scheme structure are very important in deciding a firm's suitability, I think perhaps such explanations could be misconstrued as deflecting from your own individual performance. The issue with this is that it then becomes harder to show how you have developed since which means its easier to miss the true aim of the question which is for interviewers to assess your self-awareness and ability to develop and learn from past mistakes.
Therefore, I would probably be more likely to lead with issues that I felt brought down my performance and then counter this with examples which show how I have worked to overcome such issues thus making me a stronger candidate now. Points and comparisons relating to why the present firm is a better fit can be used when answering your why X firm question.
I hope this helps & best of luck ☺️
found it to be very investor-focused and cancelled my subscription. Prefer FT's Due Diligence newsletter, comes through to my inbox about 3 times a week and my university has a free FT subscription so there's no paywall to read the articlesOff topic Q: Is the finimize premium subscription worth it? Finimize has not been that useful for me ever since they added paywalls for all their articles, but they're doing a 50% off promo which makes the outlay not too expensive for a student.
I'm shocked and very pleasantly surprised to have also received a VS offer from Bakers! I need to learn the same hahaBy some miracle, after this car crash interview and only getting through 2 out of the 10 pages in the document review exercise, I just got a vac scheme offer from Baker McKenzie!!
I really wasn't expecting that, I guess I'll take this as another reminder not to count myself out before I actually receive the rejection!
A frequent question I have been asked in interviews is "why didn't you convert your vacation schemes" or "what was your feedback from your past vacation schemes"?
I find it a bit challenging to answer this question. On the one hand, its a good chance to bring in the positives + negatives from the vac schemes which led you to apply to X firm who is interviewing you (which you can portray as being a better fit for you than firms you had vac schemes at).
However, equally I think it becomes a bit disingenuous if you portray failed vac schemes as a positive. Also its a thin line between saying negative things about a firm you had a vac scheme at and valid reasons .
My answers tend to be along the lines of
- "I like X practice area and work from the [Vac scheme firm], but did not feel a cultural fit (too competitive/not collaborative)... having spoken to person A at the firm, I feel that the culture is aligned to my own interests and I would be exposed to [whatever work I like]"
- "I felt the the training contract programmes of [vac scheme firm] was not structured enough for me, in comparison to [firm applying to] which has XYZ programmes and awards – which I like because of ABC "
- "Did not see long term career trajectory at [vac scheme firm], which as someone who is quite ambitious I found quite frustrating... [firm applying to] has had strong growth recently, provides trainees with early responsibility, and I see future potential which I find really attractive".
Whilst the answers I give are true, there are other factors at play like not performing well at a group interview or final interview in the VS final AC.
Is the way I am approaching it valid or should I be a bit more critical of my performance on the vac scheme rather than saying how I wasn't a good fit for the firms I vac schemed at? Any feedback would be really appreciated!
Honoured thank you ❤️ Yes, agreed with that! I think it falls as part of the wider shift over the last year of financial institutions taking cryptocurrencies more seriously than ever. Of course, as we know lockdown has accelerated the move towards technology, but it has also accelerated the move towards a cashless society. Companies are looking at ways to facilitate digital/cryptocurrencies (e.g. PayPal), we saw a huge crypto unicorn appear last year (Chainalysis, who provide data to governments and financial organisations to flag illegitimate crypto transactions), the MiCA regulation has been announced which provided further credence to cryptocurrencies... it's an exciting area at the moment! On a separate note, imagine having the power of that Elon Musk... I'm happy if one person likes my TCLA forum post, let alone sending cryptocurrencies flying because you change your bio and stock hugely appreciating due one short tweet saying 'Gamestonk' 🤣I love this anti-establishment movement point! Funnily enough it's translated into a "cryptocurrencies are the only free market" mentality on some parts of the internet which led to the sudden value increase in Dogecoin and Bitcoin a few days ago (spurred ofc by Elon Musk and an update of his Twitter bio). I think more and more law firm clients (especially financial institutions) are going to take crypto more seriously than ever now.
Hey did you get an answer to this? as I also have 2 tests assigned on the apply4law homepageFor BCLP, I have two test invites on my apply4law homepage and they are both titled the same. I have completed one and it has been recorded as finished but not sure whether the other is a duplicate or another test I have to complete? Should I contact grad rec to ask?
The Bitcoin jump was literally because he changed his Twitter bio to say #bitcoin. 😂 I read a lot about about how distant the real economy is from Wall Street and honestly Elon Musk is just the living breathing proof of that.Honoured thank you ❤️ Yes, agreed with that! I think it falls as part of the wider shift over the last year of financial institutions taking cryptocurrencies more seriously than ever. Of course, as we know lockdown has accelerated the move towards technology, but it has also accelerated the move towards a cashless society. Companies are looking at ways to facilitate digital/cryptocurrencies (e.g. PayPal), we saw a huge crypto unicorn appear last year (Chainalysis, who provide data to governments and financial organisations to flag illegitimate crypto transactions), the MiCA regulation has been announced which provided further credence to cryptocurrencies... it's an exciting area at the moment! On a separate note, imagine having the power of that Elon Musk... I'm happy if one person likes my TCLA forum post, let alone sending cryptocurrencies flying because you change your bio and stock hugely appreciating due one short tweet saying 'Gamestonk' 🤣
hey! I had this problem and emailed grad rec and they said that they had received my test so I didn't need to worry - I'd probably recommend you should also email, just in caseHey did you get an answer to this? as I also have 2 tests assigned on the apply4law homepage![]()
Really really useful tips!Honestly if you're ever in an AC and think someone is being particularly overbearing chances are your assessors will be able to feel it too!
Some tangible things you can do that show great teamwork:
1. Build off points other people have made. "That's a really good point X, just to add to that..."
2. If you notice someone being particularly quiet or struggling to get a word in, gesture to them and invite them to say something. Being able to read the room like this is a hugely underrated skill.
3. Recap things if it's been a particularly long discussion. Be the person that says, "Guys, so we've had all these great suggestions so far, should we decide on X now?" Good mix of teamwork and leadership here I think.
4. Particularly if it's a negotiation exercise - ask for a sidebar. "Can my partner and I take a few moments to discuss your offer privately" Shows very clearly that you want to come to a well thought out decision and that you care about your partner's opinion.
Ive emailed graduate recruitment but haven't heard anything yet aside from my test report. So glad I wasn't the only one with this issue!!!Hey did you get an answer to this? as I also have 2 tests assigned on the apply4law homepage![]()