SAME! I was so thrown off, spoke about inventing something that already existed. In all truth, I definitely expected this rejection.
LOL LITERALLY i was stood there going "hmmm... an invention to help me everyday life... electric toothbrush? wait that already exists".

In the end I said an online platform to collate, log and track all of your applications for law firms including deadlines, dates of completion, the stage you've reached, and any events you attend with those firms including your notes and thoughts after
chin up for your DLA AC!! Take all that energy and channel it into winning - make B&B regret they didn't pick you.
I'm curious about this question and wonder if
@Jessica Booker can provide some input. What do you think the law firm was trying to get with this 'can you think up a new innovation that would impact your everyday life'??
Thank you so much

(the sad face is because no matter how much this rejection sucks, TCLA makes it brighter and you have all cheered me up so much)
NRF post-telephone interview rejection for the spring scheme! I thought I answered the questions really well, so I am a bit surprised about this outcome. But onwards and upwards!
These are the WORST KINDS of rejection! Did they give you any feedback? Remember that sometimes, it isn't that you were bad at all - it's just that the competition is so high that minor details are picked over. I was actually involved in non-legal recruiting this year for my company and I saw exactly what it must be like for grad rec who receive 1000+ applications - people with PhDs being rejected over minor grammatical errors, people that were great fits except one or two sentences that indicated that they didn't completely understand the company and the work we did... Anyway, just like me and my rejection, have a lovely evening, treat yourself to your favourite food, take a break from law, watch a film and remember that you're better than this one rejection

The same goes for anybody else receiving rejections tonight!