2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
In a recent AC I was asked 'If I had a magic wand right now, and could do anything to fix the economy, what would I do?". This question stumped me as I was ready to discuss current things of interest within the commercial sphere (crypto currencies, ESG, SPACs etc etc) as well as issues and remedies within the legal world such as legal tech and COVID, but this questions took me by surprise. With such a broad question I was quite lost.
I spoke about tax and the new budget regime, but after that my answer was pretty terrible...whoops.

I would love anyones opinion on this so I can be better prepared in the future! Thank you :) @Dheepa @Jaysen @Jacob Miller
It’s going to be difficult to give advice on this. It’s one of those questions where there is no right or wrong answers really. It’s more your logic/rationale in why you choose the thing you would fix. It’s definitely one of those questions where you can make your individual answer though, so your tax answer may not have been as bad as you think it is.


Star Member
  • Mar 9, 2021
    This is a super broad question and gives you scope to talk about a deal, any new initiatives a firm has implemented or something more typical like legal tech. I'd probably start research by looking at some of the headlines on The Lawyer to see if there's anything you could use (if you choose to take the second route I mentioned). If that doesn't work I'd probably stick to talking about a particularly innovative or creative deal. For something like this, make use of the firm's annual report - usually includes a lot of in depth highlights on a deal.

    A slightly lesser known example that jumps to mind is when DLA Piper had a huge cybersecurity issue a couple of years back the firm very quickly went to working via Whatsapp solely (no emails because they were dealing with the hack) to still get client work done. Doesn't seem like they did anything particularly new but I think there's something to be said about coming up with any means/approach necessary to get work done.
    thank you so much for this! super helpful!


    Legendary Member
    M&A Bootcamp
    Sep 25, 2020
    Is everyone doing their spring VS this week except for White and Case who started it last week. Just wondering as if VS is on this week then grad recruitment are not reading applications this week at all.
    I actually think that most spring VS start in April but I know a few (including mine) that start this week!


    Legendary Member
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    Dec 21, 2019

    Can anyone please suggest a good resource for a good overview on a typical M&A deal. Everywhere I read, the structure of the deal seems different and includes different steps. So, can someone please suggest where I can read about the anatomy of a typical M&A transaction that is enough and not too much for an AC?

    @Jacob Miller @Dheepa @Naomi U @Alice G @Daniel Boden @Neville Birdi

    Daniel Boden

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  • Sep 6, 2018

    Can anyone please suggest a good resource for a good overview on a typical M&A deal. Everywhere I read, the structure of the deal seems different and includes different steps. So, can someone please suggest where I can read about the anatomy of a typical M&A transaction that is enough and not too much for an AC?

    @Jacob Miller @Dheepa @Naomi U @Alice G @Daniel Boden @Neville Birdi
    I'd recommend A&O's 'Anatomy of a Deal' video which gives a pretty good overview of the different steps here:



    Legendary Member
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    Junior Lawyer 37
    Mar 4, 2020
    Hey all, how would you suggest explaining to a firm why you're applying for a direct TC with them, but didn't apply for a VS with them, especially if you've managed to secure VSs with other firms during this cycle?

    Truth be told I generally focused my VS efforts on firms which predominantly recruit from their VS and left those with no preference for direct TC applications, but just wondering how best to tackle that question should it come up.

    And, actually, should I even mention if I've secured / have upcoming VSs with other firms when applying for a direct TC? Would I mention that under work experience?


    @Jaysen @Jessica Booker @Jacob Miller @Neville Birdi
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    Jessica Booker

    Legendary Member
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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hey all, how would you suggest explaining to a firm why you're applying for a direct TC with them, but didn't apply for a VS with them, especially if you've managed to secure VSs with other firms during this cycle?

    Truth be told I generally focused my VS efforts on firms which predominantly recruit from their VS and left those with no preference for direct TC applications, but just wondering how best to tackle that question should it come up.

    And, actually, should I even mention if I've secured / have upcoming VSs with other firms when applying for a direct TC? Would I mention that under work experience?


    @Jaysen @Jessica Booker @Jacob Miller @Neville Birdi
    If at an application stage you don’t, it would only be at interview you would really explain something like this. And then you just logically explain your application strategy - if that’s the approach you took, then explain it as it is.

    Yes - you should include VS you have scheduled. I personally wouldn’t put it in work experience as you haven’t done it yet, but you could briefly mention it in other sections, like any career motivation questions or an “any other information you want to provide” type question/section.
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    Active Member
    Aug 5, 2020
    Hi! Congratulations on the VI 🤞. My interview was very straight forward and blunt (to be brutally honest - it wasn't a conversation nor did they take any questions, so something to look out for - I think a few others experienced the same!) Other than that there were 3 questions, centred around the usual stuff you expect - about the firm, the role itself and a commercial one. Be prepared to tailor it to your stream (I did business stream for reference!) My main tip would be to just be calm and collective in your answers. All the best 😆
    Thanks Num! I appreciate you sharing your experience and I hope yours went well 🤞.
    • 🤝
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