As many as you are able to, whilst putting in the level of effort and detail that each individual application needs. It is a numbers game, to some extent, but there's really not much point if you don't know enough about the firm to make the application stand out!Just wondering how many firms per cycle most people apply to? Been applying for a while now with good academics and work experience and not getting many ACs at all. Feels impossible!
As many as you are able to, whilst putting in the level of effort and detail that each individual application needs. It is a numbers game, to some extent, but there's really not much point if you don't know enough about the firm to make the application stand out!
When you say that you're not getting ACs - are your rejections coming mainly from the application or from tests/VIs?
Hey sorry to hear this! Can I ask when you did your telephone interview?Mayer Brown post telephone interview rejection!
Mid DecemberHey sorry to hear this! Can I ask when you did your telephone interview?
Hello! I know that this question seems the easiest but it does confuse me a little bit. If any of you has any advice on how to approach this it will be much appreciated. My question is, do I respond with a time when I was in the best team (for example in a competition or project) or can I discuss something more general for example working in a restaurant and talk about the team. I hope this does make sense, I cannot think of some other way to explain it.
Tell us about the best team you have ever been part of. In your answer, you should include details about your role in the team and the other team members, how you fostered strong working relationships and what you achieved together.
Is this for the vs or the access scheme ?hi hi, has anyone done the dwf video interview
I think someone on the forum said they were in the same situation and when they emailed GR they said they've had so many apps and are currently still going through them all.Hey guys, is anyone still waiting to hear back from Mayer Brown after completing the tests? I completed mine in December and still haven’t heard back!
Okay, thank you! That’s a reliefI think someone on the forum said they were in the same situation and when they emailed GR they said they've had so many apps and are currently still going through them all.
its for summer VSIs this for the vs or the access scheme ?
4 ACs is amazing! It only takes one firm to say yeah and you still have firms to go don’t lose faithMayer Brown post TI PFO as wellnot entirely surprising as I did mine in mid December
Not feeling very optimistic about this cycle anymore :/ 30+ apps (I had the time), only 4 ACs and just waiting for a handful...