2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Legendary Member
Junior Lawyer
Jul 22, 2020
Does anyone have any tips for the White & Case Video Interview? Are the questions pretty standard? How many questions and how long to prepare/answer?
So you get 3 questions, each 1m30 in length and 30s preparation time before each one - questions are about the firm, the legal industry overall and you get one competency one too - prepare as you would for any other interview, just practice condensing in 1m20 (10s room for any pauses etc.) - hope that helps!
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Distinguished Member
Premium Member
Jan 20, 2021
So you get 3 questions, each 1m30 in length and 30s preparation time before each one - questions are about the firm, the legal industry overall and you get one competency one too - prepare as you would for any other interview, just practice condensing in 1m20 (10s room for any pauses etc.) - hope that helps!
hey! I have not done the VI recently but I believe the website says 15s to prep and 1m30 to answer and they mentioned this at the insight scheme too!
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Legendary Member
Sep 27, 2020
Guys, could I get a brutally honest opinion about the follow query:

I have an interview with Ashurst, and one of the reasons why I am applying to them is because of their strong Australian presence. My family is moving to Australia by the end of the year, and while I intend to stay in London for the next 3-10 years or so, having the option of eventually moving would be nice (which is why I find Ashurst so attractive as it would make the transition smoother). In a Vac Scheme interview, would it be appropriate to give this as a reason for applying? On one hand, it is probably one of the most personal and compelling reasons I can give. On the other hand, I don't want them to think of me as a 'temporary hire' who only sees them as a stepping stone to somewhere else.

What do you think?


Legendary Member
Junior Lawyer
  • Apr 22, 2020
    I would personally say the VI is very accessible, questions are pretty predictable if you have a good understanding of the firm, I think it’s more to do with seeming likeable and warm


    Star Member
    Premium Member
  • Dec 29, 2020
    I would personally say the VI is very accessible, questions are pretty predictable if you have a good understanding of the firm, I think it’s more to do with seeming likeable and warm
    When you say the questions are predictable if “you have a good understanding of the firm”, do you mean they may ask a specific question regarding one of the firm’s initiatives, jurisdictions, or practice areas etc? Or is it more broad?


    Legendary Member
    Junior Lawyer
  • Apr 22, 2020
    When you say the questions are predictable if “you have a good understanding of the firm”, do you mean they may ask a specific question regarding one of the firm’s initiatives, jurisdictions, or practice areas etc? Or is it more broad?
    I would say that I didn’t feel there were any curveballs in what they asked. It was very in line with my research on the firm. I would just say make sure you have a good understanding of white & case opposed to preparing specific answers
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