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2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Distinguished Member
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Junior Lawyer
Jan 14, 2021
Weil spring VS rejection post-VI (completed in the second week of January). I’m feeling too numb to even cry at this point. I’m very much in the “never passed a VI” camp so I’m not surprised. I think what made my performance worse was all the pressure and lack of self-compassion I was putting myself through in January. Also, I think it is very possible to over-prepare for VIs and so if you have one coming up, I would recommend approaching it as a normal interview instead of rehearsing questions in advance. I got a question that was a slight variation of what I had prepared and instead of staying calm and being confident in my ability to say something on the spot, I just regurgitated my rehearsed answer.
I honestly completely understand where you're coming from. I know its so hard especially after passing the app stage to be rejected after the VI, but I would like to think that with each VI you've completed the more ready you'll feel for the next one.

Maybe for your next VI you could use the preparation time that they give at the beginning to compose yourself and focus on what the question is asking. Even if you take a couple of seconds into your actual answer to pause and think, it won't go against you! Keep persevering!


Distinguished Member
M&A Bootcamp
Dec 18, 2019
Just been rejected from Weil post-AC. Absolutely gutted. Resting on only a few applications now; is it common to not get any vacation schemes in your second year? I feel like I've well and truly failed here.
It's so common do not worry at all. I had the same with an AC at Kirkland in my 2nd year and it took me so long to recover from the rejection. It sucks but time will put in perspective that just having done the AC you have learnt so much and are better placed to get a VS/TC than before!


Legendary Member
Junior Lawyer
  • Oct 16, 2020
    Just been rejected from Weil post-AC. Absolutely gutted. Resting on only a few applications now; is it common to not get any vacation schemes in your second year? I feel like I've well and truly failed here.

    Umm not sure how to answer that question, except with yes it absolutely is common! I'm 23, got my first couple of VS after graduating. I'm sure there are tons of people in the same boat in this forum. Also the average age of someone starting a TC is 27/28

    Have an open mind! Looking back when I was in my 2nd year I genuinely understand that I may not have appeared ready for a career in commercial law, that's difficult to do when you're 19.

    Best thing you can do now is get feedback and an overview of what GR are looking for! Use that feedback and don't give up!


    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
  • Dec 15, 2018
    Does anyone have any suggestions for current trends affecting the legal profession that I could research? I have a current answer on data protection but I'm starting to think it's getting a bit stale and wondered what everyone else is working with

    Daniel Boden

    Legendary Member
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  • Sep 6, 2018
    Just been rejected from Weil post-AC. Absolutely gutted. Resting on only a few applications now; is it common to not get any vacation schemes in your second year? I feel like I've well and truly failed here.
    Weil rejection after AC. Absolutely f **king gutted.
    Ahhh guys I'm so sorry - really feel for you both :( Fingers crossed the feedback calls are useful and can give you some helpful guidance for your next ones 🤞
    • 🤝
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    Legendary Member
    M&A Bootcamp
    Junior Lawyer
    Dec 11, 2019
    Just been rejected from Weil post-AC. Absolutely gutted. Resting on only a few applications now; is it common to not get any vacation schemes in your second year? I feel like I've well and truly failed here.
    Trust me, it is common. Looking back, I don't think I even understood what really commercial law was as a noobie law student. Well done for putting yourself out there!!
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    Legendary Member
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    Sep 16, 2018
    Ahhh guys I'm so sorry - really feel for you both :( Fingers crossed the feedback calls are useful and can give you some helpful guidance for your next ones 🤞
    MB is tomorrow so don't think it will happen in time haha. Really could have done with no getting the rejection the night before lol.


    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    2020 Community Winner
  • Nov 14, 2020
    Weil rejection after AC. Absolutely f **king gutted.

    angry the office GIF
    • 🤝
    Reactions: Daniel Boden and Ricky
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