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2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Distinguished Member
M&A Bootcamp
Dec 18, 2019
If you are confident other people have been contacted about your stage over a period of 2-3 weeks, then contact them with a brief email.

If you don’t need to know the outcome (eg you are only finding out for your sanity rather than balancing it with other offers/commitments), then personally, I would just try to sit it out.
That's what I thought. Just doing it for my own sanity so will wait. Thank you Jessica!


Star Member
Oct 9, 2020
CMS Academy offer!! Honestly in total shock because I thought the AC had gone terribly. Thank you so much to everyone at TCLA (including the lovely and encouraging people on this forum) for literally being the reason that I kept pushing through applications and interviews and still have (some of) my sanity left.


Star Member
Jan 9, 2021
Hi - our deadline was only two and a half weeks ago. It takes significant time and effort to thoroughly review all applications.

Please have patience and you will hear from us - I promise! ;)


Thanks Paul for responding! Unexpected but definitely given me another jolt of patience! 😃

I guess my frustration from waiting to hear from multiple firms showed its ugly head.


Legendary Member
Premium Member
  • Oct 7, 2020
    Question which probably @Jessica Booker has the best answer to: what is the etiquette on contacting GR re the stage of your app? For a few applications I have been waiting for quite a long time, such as Latham (applied mid November) and Weil (did the VI 4 weeks ago). Don't want to seem pushy with GR..

    The grad recruiter at Latham said candidates should hear back by the middle of February, so I would probably wait a couple more weeks before contacting them.
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    Legendary Member
    Premium Member
  • Oct 7, 2020
    So sorry that happened to you. I've been crucified in a similar manner by a partner in a CS interview before and it's one of the worst feelings in the world!
    I do wonder though, whether it is possible for this to be on purpose in order for them to gauge the candidate’s reaction to being provoked or being faced with rudeness? Something similar happened to me awhile ago and it felt as if it was testing me on how I would react.

    Daniel Boden

    Legendary Member
    Highest Rated Member
  • Sep 6, 2018
    I do wonder though, whether it is possible for this to be on purpose in order for them to gauge the candidate’s reaction to being provoked or being faced with rudeness? Something similar happened to me awhile ago and it felt as if it was testing me on how I would react.
    That's probably how they'd attempt to justify it but there are soooo many other ways of testing that - it's just unnecessary and paints your firm in a terrible light in my view

    Daniel Boden

    Legendary Member
    Highest Rated Member
  • Sep 6, 2018
    I've had a firm gaslight me about my own disability.
    Totally understand if you'd rather not share, but how on earth was that allowed happen...?!?!?

    Edit: just seen your later post, like did they literally question the validity of your disability? If so I am so sorry that you had to deal with that 😩 but very happy to hear your experience with other firms has been much more positive :)
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    Legendary Member
    Sep 27, 2020
    Hi guys, I made a small mistake in a few of my applications (Basically, I said I have written 2 novellas when it should have been 1 - long story) ... I'm just wondering should I contact grad rec about this ASAP?

    Don't mention it in my humble opinion. You're more likely to get rejected if it comes up at this stage of the application rather than if it comes up later.
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    Daniel Boden

    Legendary Member
    Highest Rated Member
  • Sep 6, 2018
    Hi guys, I made a small mistake in a few of my applications (Basically, I said I have written 2 novellas when it should have been 1 - long story) ... I'm just wondering should I contact grad rec about this ASAP?
    Yeah I wouldn't worry about that, you can always correct yourself at interview if need be and since it's not a grammatical error there's no real point in my opinion
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