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2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Legendary Member
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Sep 12, 2019
Guys NRF recently let 150 people go (including 19 lawyers) so not surprised they're dishing out rejections. Don't let this bring you down! I'm sure your interviews went well so don't let this upset you... they just don't have capacity

I concur. Have also found that luck plays a massive part in all of this and sometimes we just happen to get the shorter stick. Therefore a rejection is not always a reflection of our capabilities as candidates, though there are always things to learn from every experience.


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  • Nov 25, 2020

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    2,000 people apply to NRF every year for their vacation schemes.

    I bet they invite less than 10% of applicants to a telephone interview stage.

    So if you are unsuccessful at that stage, remind yourself you got to a place where the vast majority did not - you are in a small minority and you clearly have a lot going for you to make it to that stage.

    Bugsy Malone

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    Jun 24, 2018
    2,000 people apply to NRF every year for their vacation schemes.

    I bet they invite less than 10% of applicants to a telephone interview stage.

    So if you are unsuccessful at that stage, remind yourself you got to a place where the vast majority did not - you are in a small minority and you clearly have a lot going for you to make it to that stage.
    Thanks Jessica, that’s lovely to hear :)


    Legendary Member
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    Jan 22, 2020
    To reiterate what Jessica said, NRF had 1,000+ applicants for their WVS and only had 10 places so it's super competitive (not just at NRF but everywhere else). To get passed the (1) application review and (2) WG is an achievement in itself but I realise that's very cliché.

    This process is really unforgiving, harsh and competitive so I'm not surprised that many of us are feeling demotivated. Especially when you think you've dotted the Is and crossed the Ts. But, nothing is worth risking your mental health and self-esteem so if you do find yourself in that kind of headspace, be sure to take some time out and give yourself a break. Because no one else will give you a break but yourself. Plus, it's super important you don't fall into a negative mindset.

    When you are ready, be sure to come back with a well thought out plan. Many firms have closed recruitment but there are still many other firms that are open for direct TCs or VSs even. If you've had any interviews, be sure to get feedback too.

    I know many people who have been in the TC journey far longer than us and they're going strong and that should serve as an inspiration to us.

    Wishing you all the luck guys! :D


    Distinguished Member
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    Sep 25, 2018
    Rejection from NRF post telephone interview.

    I genuinely feel so emotionally exhausted from the process with so little feedback at the VI and telephone interview stage. This cycle I’ve got through to the next stage on every app but as soon as video interviews and telephone interviews come into play I’m letting myself down.

    I follow all the structures. Prepare loads before hand. Reference key deals, key jurisdictions, I read the FT every day and I genuinely find the articles interesting. I have good experience and good grades. I know that the process is tough, but I just don’t know how to improve.

    I completely understand that law firms have so many applicants. I’m not even frustrated with the process, Im more frustrated that I can’t identify which bits are going wrong.

    After the NRF rejection I think I’m going to bow out of this process, I really don’t think I’m strong enough. I don’t understand how hard work and prep and doing everything good on pape results in constant failure for me. I wish everyone the best of luck

    Also disappointed to have received NRF rejection post telephone interview. Rejection is never easy but I’ve learnt from the process and fingers crossed the next will be better!

    So sorry to hear about your rejections. Two years ago I got rejected from W&C post-interview and it was very demoralising to begin the whole application process again. From having been in this position before, I would say perhaps to have a break from everything TC related, to allow yourself time to re-build. I know you may not think it right now, however, getting so far in the process is a great achievement and shows you a very capable of getting a VC/TC in the end! From what I can see on this forum, all of you are very deserving candidates and I wish you all the best with your other applications! :)


    Legendary Member
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    Dec 1, 2020
    Loads of hugs to everyone finding it really hard today, please please be easy on yourself. The very top candidates in any field will still face repeated rejection, it does not reflect on you or your abilities to ace it with others.

    It’s so tough in the pandemic too to find any way to distract yourself from this, please know that you’re absolutely not alone in feeling this way and you’re absolutely allowed to say “fuck it” and turn off your phone for a few days. Totally legitimate to cry too, you are not a robot. Some days we can handle rejection, other days we can’t. And that is totally ok, and normal.

    Let it all out, go for a walk or a scream, and don’t be hard on yourself. The dividing line between a yes and a no is so tiny sometimes you do everything right but it just doesn’t work out. It sucks so much and you are allowed to feel that way


    Legendary Member
    Jan 3, 2021
    Guys NRF recently let 150 people go (including 19 lawyers) so not surprised they're dishing out rejections. Don't let this bring you down! I'm sure your interviews went well so don't let this upset you... they just don't have capacity

    absolutely second this! My friend works in the legal operations team a senior manager got let go.

    they have had to restructure the department! They did say this would not change the recruitment process and still expect a recruitment drive in the upcoming years!

    good luck everyone! Stay strong and remember what doesn’t break you makes your stronger!


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    Dec 11, 2019
    I agree with these messages above. It took two years (!) before I got my first AC invitation. I was tempted to stop along the way but it really helped to take time away from it all and look after myself properly! You'll likely feel much better and come back with a lot more energy. The process can be brutal and I know exactly how you all feel - it's normal to feel down and I am sure that with some time off you will feel a lot better!

    Andrew M

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    Jan 7, 2020
    Excuse me?? HELL TO THE NO! Am I hell gonna let NRF let you 'bow out'!

    This is the time to rise up. I may not know you personally, but I know you from this forum. You are hard-working, strong, resilient, incredible and have drive. Don't let one damn firm let you doubt that. Rejection = redirection. Hard, I know. Trust me. But you can't let one firm kick you like this! There are plenty of people who re-apply 2/3 times in a row to get to the firm they want. Determination gets them there. You can do this - I promise you. But giving up now will stop that from happening!
    Off topic but I always just love the positivity & warmth in your posts! Your friends are really lucky having somebody like you there for them when things get tough. Never change!

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    @Jessica Booker

    Are you aware what the most competitive vac scheme/tc is to get, in terms of raw numbers applying per place?

    no - haven’t got that data. But Chambers student guide typically list how many applications a firm receives under it “get hired” tab under each firm profile.

    I wouldn’t get too caught up on numbers though. 1) one of the most competitive graduate programmes out there is BT - but I doubt many of you would consider applying to them; 2) quality outweighs quantity; 3) if people didn’t apply because it was too competitive, the next year it would be far less competitive.


    Active Member
    Jan 13, 2021
    no - haven’t got that data. But Chambers student guide typically list how many applications a firm receives under it “get hired” tab under each firm profile.

    I wouldn’t get too caught up on numbers though. 1) one of the most competitive graduate programmes out there is BT - but I doubt many of you would consider applying to them; 2) quality outweighs quantity; 3) if people didn’t apply because it was too competitive, the next year it would be far less competitive.
    Thanks! Yes absolutely; just curiosity makes me ask.

    I'm on here to give bits and bobs of advice to people. I've already accepted a training contract with an elite US firm.


    Active Member
    Dec 22, 2020
    I was shocked to read earlier in the thread that many of the larger firms are only running virtual vacation schemes this year? Does that mean that the VS experience in summer 2021 at a London firm won't approximate an actual internship/'summer associate position' (as they're called in the US) - are they purely going to be about recruitment rather than experiencing what the firm has to offer through its actual work?
    It's strange if that's the case since it didn't come up at the presentations I attended this year...


    Legendary Member
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  • Sep 18, 2019
    Agreed with everybody above. I'm in my third year of applications after having a VS in my first year yet receiving no offers last year! You cannot give up, no matter how hard. I had so many days where I felt like I'd given everything and couldn't understand what I was doing wrong. It's just about keeping going and really building that resilience! :)

    On a separate note, I know lots of you have done the CMS VI. Just got an invite and feeling very unmotivated to do it, are there any advice threads on here or general tips from anybody? Thanks as always gang ❤️
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