Anyone know how long they give to complete the WG test? Also, they send it via email link right?
The person heard back earlier today, the firm might have internally relaxed their rule which is interesting.
last year for the Vac scheme I got the WG 3 weeks before the deadline. If you read the website it says they don’t make final decisions until after the deadline ie don’t give out offers.
Reed Smith PFO. Don't know what went wrong with the SST, as I had felt that I had done well. Oh well, onto the next one!
Met the benchmark for Reed Smith's SST, just got an email from them with the 3 questionsIf anyone has any advice/insight it would be greatly appreciated!
I second this. I don't believe any WG invites have been sent.
Just saw someone on the student room say they got an invite today.
Apologies Jessica, I’ve left it quite last minute as well. After submitting, I noticed my answer to that section was N/A, the system automatically transferred an application I submitted to them last year and this was my answer. Since then I have had achieved an award but forgot to put it on there - it was on my workshop application which was successful. Do you recommend I leave it as it is or edit and resubmit? I submitted about 30mins ago.
This is probably quite a vague question but what exactly are firms looking for in a video interview? In this case it’s 2 competency questions and a firm question
Guys does anyone know where I can find all the seats that a firm offers.
Also, does anyone know if BCLP offer a private equity seat. I am aware that they do a "funds and investment management" seat. Does this count as PE?
I just sent them an email last night also and (hopefully), received the same response. GR responded this AM and said they hope to be back to everyone in the next week.I'm stuck in the lurch like others. Do you mind me asking if you were invited for an AC in the end?
I just sent them an email last night also and (hopefully), received the same response. GR responded this AM and said they hope to be back to everyone in the next week.
I can’t imagine how unbelievably busy they are, the reply was sent at 6:15am, in response to a 21:47 email from me last night.
I think I had drive, social adaptability and confidence as my top strengths on the test. I tried going for the competencies that RS lists on their website but it didn't pan out the way I wanted it to.Hi, sorry to hear this! What strengths did you get, if you don’t mind me asking?
I think I had drive, social adaptability and confidence as my top strengths on the test. I tried going for the competencies that RS lists on their website but it didn't pan out the way I wanted it to.
Has anyone applied for Reed Smith? I sent in the first application form on the 30th, but haven’t received the link to the SST yet. Was expecting the link to come through the next day. Should I contact them?
Does anyone know what a mark-up exercise usually involves?
I have an assessment centre next week and they just sent me the schedule, which includes a “mark-up exercise” that wasn’t on their grad rec website, the AC invite email, or any past AC experiences on the forum, so I’m assuming it's a new addition to their assessment process. There’s no further information on what the exercise involves or what they’ll be looking for, just that it will be assessed verbally (telling the assessors what changes I made/errors I spotted).
I’ve never done a mark-up exercise before and I’m not really sure what to expect. Is it normally a legal document (like an NDA or transactional document) or non-legal document (like general articles or client emails)? Are they just looking for you to spot spelling mistakes and grammatical errors or would they also expect you to pick up on any inconsistencies in the document (for example, a clause in an NDA that contradicts what is set out earlier in the document)?
I’m completely lost here so if anyone has done one or has an idea of what they tend to involve, that would be super helpful. Any tips on ways to prep/practice would be great too!