Not bad for a international student on a graduate visa with average grades from a non-RG / average home country uni!
Happy to share advice where possible.
Not bad for a international student on a graduate visa with average grades from a non-RG / average home country uni!
Happy to share advice where possible.
Only reason I can think of is that PW are trying to finalise their spring scheme before addressing the summer applicants (unless of course you applied for the spring scheme, which in that case ignore my point haha).Anymore news from Paul, Weiss, seems strange to PFO a few and give interviews but not get back to others?
Same here. Applied back in early decHaven't heard from Simmons since the online test -- is it safe to assume I am on the PFO list? I don't know if anyone knows when their ACs are and stuff.
I think this is the final stage before the VS. Interview was okay thank you!Congrats on the interview. Just a quick q, is this a separate stage to the AC? And how was the interview like?
When is the interview if you don’t mind me asking and did they offer you multiple dates? Am I right to say the partner interview the final stage after passing the written exercise?Willkie Final Partner Interview Invite!!!
When was the interview if you don’t mind me asking and did they offer you multiple dates? Am I right to say the partner interview the final stage after passing the written exercise?Just finished my Willkie interview. Ngl was the hardest I have done to date.
With the skills question, in the intro- do you think it's better to outline the skills you posses and how the firm uses?I normally integrate this to why this firm:
1. Business strategy - internationally and locally (focusing on practice areas is not the best since a lot of competitors are neck and neck).
What I mean is do they open their own office or do they collaborate with local firms? Why? How does that affect their presence in the region?
Where are they opening the offices? Why? What business opportunities are there in those locations? Does it show the firm as ‘forward thinking’ - link back to their values
2. Client retention- do they work with the same clients often (I.e. links is known for their biggest clients being repeat clients and they liked when I mentioned it in the AC)
3. Here talk about practice areas and the links to one another (but the niche ones): i.e. strong banking and finance department but also band 1 shariah = more Middle Eastern clients/ presence (working with the market trends/ opportunities).
For skills:
Honestly, here you can pick any skill but the key thing is to:
1. Identify the skill
2. Link it back to how and why a trainee/ solicitor might use it.
3. Then link it back to something you’ve done and how it showed you the importance of it in practice.
If you don’t mind me asking when is the interview/did they offer multiple dates? (If so what)Willkie Partner interview!!! I can't believe it😭 Congrats to everyone who progressed as well
Congrats on the interview! Out of curiosity what is the application stages process e.g application, written exercise, virtual interview (if so was this a live interview over teams or like one of those pre-recorded ones), partner interview?Still no one heard back from goodwin post partner interview?
When was the interview if you don’t mind me asking and did they offer you multiple dates? Am I right to say the partner interview the final stage after passing the written exercise?
Hi @ACivilLawyer and congratulations on getting the VS, it is a huge achievement! I have collated bellow some of my best tips on maximizing conversion chances.Hi @Andrei Radu, I just secured a VS and was wondering if you have any additional advice on how to maximise the chances of converting my VS into a TC?
I am currently completing the course on ‘How to convert your VS’ on TCLA, but would be very grateful for any additional advice/guidance/points you think I should consider.
Thank you so much!
Monday last slot of the day finished at 5:30Out of interest, what day of the week did you do it?