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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

Amma Usman

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Sep 7, 2024
People applying to Paul, Weiss - how are you researching the firm?

Their website is pretty limited and as they are new to offering a TC not heaps out there. Any advice?

Hey @murm ,

I see this as a very useful question to be honest, not just for those applying to PW, but also the full spectrum of law firms.

My research strategy was as follows;

1. What does the firm pride itself on? Now I appreciate this may sound generic at first. In thinking of the answer to this within oneself, you should not focus on things such as secondment opportunities or international clientele and the likes - many firms will offer this and pride themselves on the international nature of their work. Ask yourself… what are its core practice offerings? This will kick of your research.

2. Let’s say firm XY is good at corporate work and has an especially strong private equity practice. Now, the next question is.. which kind of clients does the firm serve? Are they mainly regional/UK, US focused, Middle Eastern focused, or broadly very international? There is no doubting that most of a firm’s clients (in the context of TC applications for international law firms) will be international themselves. However, what are the origins of the firm? Say the firm is US-based, another way to go about researching the firm is by comparing its work and clientele with other US firms (or also magic circle/international firms). This is because research into a firm, in my opinion, is not just about knowing what that particular firm does, but also its wider position in the market. Through this, you do two things: (1) improve your understanding of the industry (PE, in this case) through reading on deals, and (2) fluidly communicate this in written applications and interviews. The latter point is crucial because the preliminary research you do into firms will help you throughout the different application stages. For example, and relating this to my last point on researching into XY firm‘s competitors, a common question asked in interviews is… how does XY firm differentiate itself from its competitors? You can see this through multiple lens by comparing for example, (1) its position among other US firms (as I had briefly highlighted) (2) perhaps even a unique niche it advises on within corporate work, and (3) a specific band of PE clients it advises (mid-market advisory, higher-ticket advisory, etc). This foundational knowldge is very important as recruiters will always know whether you truly understand a law firm’s work by reading your description on what practices you’re drawn to.

Overall, I recommend always starting your research on the basis of a firm‘s practice offerings. From there, you could research into its market space, and naturally other elements such as pro-bono and the likes will crop up. However, I would be mindful on what you are referencing in applications to show demonstrated interest, as discussions on practices and perhaps specialised niches within those, will always be more specific than other elements such as secondment opportunities (which indeed, many firms offer).

Best of luck and hope this proves useful!

Amma Usman

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Sep 7, 2024
Is it okay to not mention Private Equity in the Travers Smith Cover letter?

Hey @FutureTraineeMaybe ,

I would say this depends on what draws you to TS. I know TS has a strong private equity practice and specifically advises more on mid-market PE deals. Is this an area of law you’re drawn to exploring more through a TC? If so, I recommend including it and linking it back to why PE is of appeal to you. Any specific exposure to it, such as taking part in an online workshop? Having a coffee chat with a PE lawyer? You could really mention anything which is sufficiently specific to you.


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  • Oct 26, 2024
    @Jessica Booker @Amma Usman


    I was checking my application for a firm I have an Assessment centre with , and I saw that the dates for 2 work experiences were marked as start 2023 rather than 2024 (I made a mistake entering the years- everything else is fine) should I flag it up? It was for a tutoring positions and a mentorship scheme.

    I also didn’t understand the GCSEs sections- as it only gave me an option to enter GCSEs rather than a mixture (I did a mix of GCSE and IGCSE (all in the UK)) would that be okay? Since the grades/ grading system is identical and it’s the same exam method just one is also avaliable internationally.

    For one subject I did a btec- but I made it clear on the form that it was a Btec subject and I picked the most relevant equivalent grade (since there was no “other” option. Is that okay?

    (Honestly I was in a rush trying to meet the deadline and hadn’t checked it again after being progressed)
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    Amma Usman

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    Sep 7, 2024
    Is it worth mentioning a firms 96% retention rate as way to suggest they invest in their trainees and foster an environment where trainees want to stay on board? I’m not sure if that is too generic.

    Hey @cjwx ,

    This is a really good question.

    While a high retention rate (like 96%) can be indicative of a supportive work environment and a firm’s investment in its trainees, I’ve been advised to prioritise other aspects of training when discussing why a firm appeals to you.

    For instance, focusing on elements like the size of the trainee intake can be more impactful. For example, say you’re applying to a firm with a small intake of trainees. You can talk about how a smaller intake often means greater responsibility early on, which could allow you to develop quickly. If you can link this to a personal example of thriving in a similar environment, it shows genuine interest and aligns your strengths with what the firm offers.

    Mentioning retention rates carries the risk of sounding like your interest in the firm is primarily based on the likelihood of qualification. Additionally, retention can depend on factors beyond the environment, such as individual performance and business needs. If you focus solely on the work environment, your answer might come across as a bit generic and miss the nuances of what contributes to that retention rate.

    I hope this helps!


    Legendary Member
    Nov 10, 2024
    Just started my CRS research and now I really like the firm lol... lets hope I can write a good enough application in a night

    In this boat too. Remember the deadline is midday tomorrow and not 23:59 (you probably knew this but I didn't until just now so just posting in case anyone else didn't know)

    Also if anyone has been on their Open Day and can share some application tidbits that'd be helpful! I had to miss their Open Day last month.
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    Amma Usman

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    Sep 7, 2024
    When firms ask about a recent deal that interests you, what time frame does 'recent' refer to? Within the last 12 months or so?

    Hey @MissAnnaliseKeating ,

    Many people have different views on this. I have once used a deal that was 3 years old, but revolutionary in the industry and was only ever done by that firm before. As I had gotten past the application stage, I would say the date becomes an issue when you reference something like 3 years but is now a commonplace type of advisory within the market. Another things is that, with any deal you mention, ask yourself… have I properly explained why it appeals to me? This last point is crucial as many firms will work on similar deals and this unique link to you is what will make your application stand out.

    Hope this helps!
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    Legendary Member
    Nov 10, 2024
    Hey @MissAnnaliseKeating ,

    Many people have different views on this. I have once used a deal that was 3 years old, but revolutionary in the industry and was only ever done by that firm before. As I had gotten past the application stage, I would say the date becomes an issue when you reference something like 3 years but is now a commonplace type of advisory within the market. Another things is that, with any deal you mention, ask yourself… have I properly explained why it appeals to me? This last point is crucial as many firms will work on similar deals and this unique link to you is what will make your application stand out.

    Hope this helps!

    Is there any site you use to look for deals? Some firms' own websites conceal many details of the deal and/or have their most recent deals in certain sectors as 3 year-old deals when they've almost definitely worked on stuff since then

    Amma Usman

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    Sep 7, 2024
    @Andrei Radu @Jessica Booker Hi :)

    When mentioning vacation scheme/work experience at other firms in an application form, is it all right to name them? Because then I worry I will have to justify why not the other firm and why the firm I am applying to, whereas a brief 'vacation scheme at X firm helped me explore interest in...." seems like needs less of a justification.

    Hey @Miss Chocolate ,

    I definitely recommend including the firms name. Most times in interviews, your interviewers will have access to your application form and this question will almost always come up (well at least it did for me). You could be asked why X law firm (the firm you’re applying at) and not Y firm which you did a VS at. As an applicant, you could touch on so many things such as client base and different industry specialisations, remembering to connect to why that matters to you. You could also be asked this same question, but within the context of many different industries too. For example, you attended a finance open day, so why law? In summary, the question of justification will likely always come up, you just have to look deeply into your interests and motivations, and answering it wouldn’t be an issue.

    Best of luck and hope this helps!

    Miss Chocolate

    Legendary Member
    Nov 27, 2023
    Hey @Miss Chocolate ,

    I definitely recommend including the firms name. Most times in interviews, your interviewers will have access to your application form and this question will almost always come up (well at least it did for me). You could be asked why X law firm (the firm you’re applying at) and not Y firm which you did a VS at. As an applicant, you could touch on so many things such as client base and different industry specialisations, remembering to connect to why that matters to you. You could also be asked this same question, but within the context of many different industries too. For example, you attended a finance open day, so why law? In summary, the question of justification will likely always come up, you just have to look deeply into your interests and motivations, and answering it wouldn’t be an issue.

    Best of luck and hope this helps!
    Thanks a lot for this :)
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    Amma Usman

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    Sep 7, 2024
    Is there any site you use to look for deals? Some firms' own websites conceal many details of the deal and/or have their most recent deals in certain sectors as 3 year-old deals when they've almost definitely worked on stuff since then

    Hey @jta227 ,

    If the firm’s website is not as recent as you need, a brief skim through their LinkedIn profile will help. Alternatively, sources like Law.com International and the Lawyer also post regularly on these.
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    Amma Usman

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    Sep 7, 2024
    @Jessica Booker @Andrei Radu
    Would it be a bad idea to mention a Kirkland open day in an application to Travers? IK Travers are strong in private equity, and what sparked my interest in PE was a debt finance workshop at the Kirkland open day. But I also go on to talk about how I like the Travers room-sharing system because of the high level of supervision + training (which Kirkland doesn't really have)

    Ofc I could deflect this in an interview by saying I didn't like Kirkland's culture after attending the open day, but I'm wondering whether grad rec might discard it because I'm applying to wildly different firms and so won't be a good fit (which is partially true, it's one of my least favourites). Then again it would be difficult to substantiate my interest in PE work without mentioning the open day.

    Would appreciate any advice to be honest

    Hey @andrewk ,

    This is a great question.

    The way I would approach this is by definitely mentioning the workshop as an experience which sparked your interest in finance, of which PE work sits in. However, by mentioning the debt finance workshop, you have not really touched on how that links to PE. This is important to establish first in your application since it appears you are drawn to TS’ PE practice, and not their debt finance practice - which are two different specialisations. You could mention how both practices work with PE clients at different stages of the funding timeline to connect this link. For example, the finance practice will legally facilitate the borrowing of funds which will be used to purchase those portfolio companies in a PE deal. The finance practice will also see through anything finance-related even after the portfolio company has been sold after say.. the 10 year mark.

    I would also be mindful of mentioning something such as a room sharing system as many firms offer this for their trainees. Perhaps focus more on the work itself. If you are keen on mentioning a training-related point, you should ensure you really focus on why that actually appeals and any examples of how you have thrived in a similar space. Another thing I would avoid mentioning to differentiate between firms is culture.

    Overall, I see absolutely no harm in mentioning another firm’s name. If anything, that experience shows you’ve gone above and beyond to learn more about the industry.

    Best of luck and hope this helps!
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    Chris Brown

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    Jul 4, 2024
    I took an insane amount of time to do mine. I looked at the email they said it’s not timed but they recommended 75 minutes for it. I took so long because the untimed aspect gave me time overthink. Why would they say it’s untimed if they are going to look at the time it takes you to do it? Not really fair for people that are neurodivergent.
    If it says the test is not timed then the amount of time you take bears no relevance at all. I don’t think they will even know how long you take either.🫡

    They recommend at least 75 minutes so that people do not underestimate how long it will take to fully complete the test and review answers before submitting. 🙂

    The test should take 75 minutes or more to complete basically. That’s why for these tests you never have to request extra time. 🙂

    Part of the reason these tests are not timed is to ensure fairness for people who are neurodivergent. 🙂

    I remember asking the early careers team at HSF about this at an event and this is what they said.
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    Valued Member
  • Jan 19, 2022
    Sorry if this has been asked before but are there any resources regarding negotiation exercises at AC?

    I’m trying to prepare for Eversheds’ internal meeting simulation and by the sounds of it, it’s most similar to a negotiation although I don’t know what to expect.

    I am rubbish at negotiating so if anyone has any advice that would be very helpful. Thanks!

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