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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Sep 14, 2023
1. Why have you decided to pursue a career in commercial law (250 max)
2. Why have you applied to Reed Smith in particular (250 max)
3. Focusing on one of Reed Smith’s sectors, what current issues do you think will impact this sector? What opportunities or challenges will this present to Reed Smith or our clients? (300 max)
thanks for sharing @yasmars, this will be useful for a lot of people!
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Jan 3, 2023
for reed smith app it says to input a overall average score/gpa if you've graduated but my uni did not do this and only gave a classification (i.e .2:1). If i calculate my own average like adding my 2nd and 3rd year modules, the average is below 60, so it doesnt make sense to input this (my uni calculates the classification based on how many 2:1s achieved for each module). Grad recruitment replied to this question but I think they misunderstood and said just input the numerical average (there isnt one😭). If @Jessica Booker or anyone has any insight I would be very grateful!
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Sep 16, 2022
Hey @hanz123, these are very interesting but at the same time quite challenging questions for sure, however I would say that there are areas that you can work on that might help you create the best answers for them.
In your position, what I would focus on is:

For the first question specifically:
  • Pick one practice area that you are interested in and that the firm excels at too. The reason I say this is because it is important for you to talk about something that you are passionate about and that you are genuinely happy to research in depth. At the same time, you want to pick something that resonates with the firm's strengths rather than something the firm does not necessarily work on extensively.
  • Make sure to read the question carefully and tackle each part of it. As you can see, they are asking you to choose one practice area or sector, write about a major change in law or government policy that affects their clients within that sector and also the opportunities it creates for the firm. All these three parts have to be addressed. Although it seems redundant to reiterate this, whenever you are answering the question, it is really easy to forget to answer the last part of the question as you are focusing on the practice area and the clients of the firms. So bearing in mind all three parts is extremely essential.
  • If you manage to find a very recent case that the firm has worked on whenever you are mentioning some clients, I think that will work in your favour. In fact, you will show an in depth knowledge of the firm and its clients but also commercial awareness, especially if you focus on the consequences of this case for the future of the sector you decide to talk about.
For the second question:

  • Be very commercially driven: this question is made for you to show your commercial awareness, so I would advise you to be very commercially aware and showcase your knowledge. Talk about the political, social and economic consequences of the topic and do not forget to tackle the WHY part of the question.
  • I would recommend to choose something that affect every type of business in every industry as that would give you the breadth to talk more in-depth about what you chose to write.
  • To find something to write about, I would study very cautiously the website of the firm and look for every piece of news that they seem to be very interested in and that might affect their clients massively. Usually law firms have articles/pieces of news that they write and publish on their websites and I think that those are a good place to start with your research. That was the place I always started from when I was attempting questions like these.
I hope these tips are useful and good luck with the application to Addleshaw Goddard!
Thank you Axel!
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  • Aug 30, 2023
    Oh so even though it isn't called one, it sill operates like a VS because you can convert? That's pretty cool, saves me time!
    Not really. essentially you'd have to apply for a TC separately, which means you'd need to do the interview after the workshop. Also because S&M recruits on a rolling basis, you might end up interviewing for a later intake. So you don't necessarily convert, you basically just don't have to submit an application form again.
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    for reed smith app it says to input a overall average score/gpa if you've graduated but my uni did not do this and only gave a classification (i.e .2:1). If i calculate my own average like adding my 2nd and 3rd year modules, the average is below 60, so it doesnt make sense to input this (my uni calculates the classification based on how many 2:1s achieved for each module). Grad recruitment replied to this question but I think they misunderstood and said just input the numerical average (there isnt one😭). If @Jessica Booker or anyone has any insight I would be very grateful!
    There will be a numerical average - you should provide that even if it is a 2.2 unfortunately.


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    Sep 14, 2023
    Stephenson Harwood have an unconventional question - "read the article on sustainability in Yachting. A client has asked for an overview and the key points. In 600 words, please summarize the article." max 600 words (also, they do say "summariZe")

    Does anyone have any suggestions for qs like these?
    Hey @Lopez2017, I would say that this is a very interesting question that looks at your summarisation skills, as well as your ability to be concise, precise but exhaustive at the same time.
    What I can tell you is to:
    1. Read the article carefully once without taking any notes. Read it again and once you are done, write down what you remembered about the article. Read it again, and take notes whilst reading. Although it can seem repetitive, it will give you a very good understanding of what you read as well as the key points of the article. I got this advice when I was prepping for my article interview with Gibson Dunn last year and it worked perfectly for me, even though I did not have much time to do it!
    2. Look closely at the question. It does not only say to provide a general overview of the article but also to give key points. So I would divide my answer in a clear and precise, but concise overview; secondly, I would focus on three/four key points that the article highlights that are crucial to the understanding of the topic.
    I hope these tips will help you craft your answer! Although it is an unconventional question, I think it allows you to showcase your skills compared to other questions that some firms have so definitely give it your all and I am sure it will work out!
    Good luck with the application!
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    Sep 14, 2023
    Any tips on hsf sjt?? I took the practice test and basically bombed it. Didnt have this issue with ao sjt
    I remember taking it last year and it was so difficult for me but a lot of people advised me to:
    1. have a list of values that HSF has on the website and keep it with you at all times whilst you are preparing and also during the test itself. This will be helpful whenever you are choosing scenarios and how you would behave in those, as you will follow the values of HSF specifically.
    2. Watch the youtube video they have about the test and familiarise yourself with what kind of tips they suggest in order to tackle the test in the best way.
    3. Talk to other people who were successful at the test and understand what their strategies were. I thinks this is a very important point as this will allow you to see what you should do to succeed at the test.
    4. Do a lot of research on the kind of lawyers HSF looks for and the kind of people that work at the firm. This is important as it will help you understand how an HSF lawyer behaves in certain situations and also the culture of the firm.
    These are some of the things I used to do to tackle any sjt so I hope this is helpful!
    Good luck with it! @Untilwinter
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    Sep 14, 2023
    for reed smith app it says to input a overall average score/gpa if you've graduated but my uni did not do this and only gave a classification (i.e .2:1). If i calculate my own average like adding my 2nd and 3rd year modules, the average is below 60, so it doesnt make sense to input this (my uni calculates the classification based on how many 2:1s achieved for each module). Grad recruitment replied to this question but I think they misunderstood and said just input the numerical average (there isnt one😭). If @Jessica Booker or anyone has any insight I would be very grateful!
    Hey @w_13, I would include all your grades and then make sure to explain the whole situation in the ''Additional Information'' section of the application so they are aware of this. I would also advise you to give examples of what you are saying so that they can fully understand that the average does not reflect your actual grade and results.
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    Sep 14, 2023
    this brought back bad memories - but here you go. I think Gibson is one of those firms where you really have to apply early.
    I would not necessarily say so because they tend to wait if they are not satisfied with the quality of the applicants. I applied on the 20th of December and I manage to get the SVS offer and I knew some people applied later than that and got it too so just make sure you have the best application possible.


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    Sep 14, 2023
    Does anyone have suggestions if it still makes sense to apply to Hogan Lovells Winter Vac scheme given that they recruit rolling basis and its now been 3 weeks since the window opened/ if I am better off applying direct TC/ summer vac scheme? Thanks so much for any tipps :)
    Hey @antheaf, I think you are still in good timing for the winter scheme now, however if you feel like you would have a greater chance with the summer scheme then I would focus on that. I would exclude the direct tc, especially if you are still in university as it is very competitive and Hogan Lovells tend to recruit heavily from the schemes anyway. I hope that helps and good luck with the application, I am sure you'll smash it!
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    Dec 21, 2020
    I sent an email to AO becaue I needed to update them with some information regarding my application. I didn't get those automatic email you'd normally get for other firms like "the dates of our vacation schemes are ~~". Does that mean that my email was sent or not sent?? confused😭


    Distinguished Member
    Sep 14, 2023
    Hi could anyone give me insight into which Slaughters TC vs VS process so I know which I should apply for?

    Basically, it states on their website about their TC's:
    - 'Applications for..... will open on Friday 1 September 2023 and will close on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 11:59pm.'

    then it says 'We encourage applications as early as possible within our application windows. Training contract offers will be made on a rolling basis and we are therefore unable to guarantee the availability of places as we progress with these interviews.'

    but there are also VS's which have a later deadline (beginning of January).

    question 1: Does that mean they have a specific number of places for direct TC applicants and the rest they keep for the spring and summer vacation schemers that will convert to a TC?

    Question 2: is there a disadvantage in applying for vacation schemes instead of a direct TC?

    question 3: can graduates who have not had any piece of assessed legal work experience apply for a direct TC? I know a number of other MCs reject TC applications that don't have that.

    Deleted member 27336

    Hi could anyone give me insight into which Slaughters TC vs VS process so I know which I should apply for?

    Basically, it states on their website about their TC's:
    - 'Applications for..... will open on Friday 1 September 2023 and will close on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 11:59pm.'

    then it says 'We encourage applications as early as possible within our application windows. Training contract offers will be made on a rolling basis and we are therefore unable to guarantee the availability of places as we progress with these interviews.'

    but there are also VS's which have a later deadline (beginning of January).

    question 1: Does that mean they have a specific number of places for direct TC applicants and the rest they keep for the spring and summer vacation schemers that will convert to a TC?

    Question 2: is there a disadvantage in applying for vacation schemes instead of a direct TC?

    question 3: can graduates who have not had any piece of assessed legal work experience apply for a direct TC? I know a number of other MCs reject TC applications that don't have that.
    Q1 - as far as I’m aware Slaughters don’t discriminate between VS and TC - if u are good enough either route you will get an offer

    Q2 - you can only apply to VS as a penultimate year. I am assuming you are a graduate so you can only apply for direct TC

    Q3 - I got a Direct TC interview with them coming up and I’ve been to one open day and done a couple of Forage internships. I reckon you’re good to apply direct :) good luck!


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    Feb 11, 2023
    I have (another 🤷‍♂️) question about Stephenson Harwood's application.
    The first question on the application (in case you haven't seen it) asks - "What skills do you think are needed to be a successful solicitor at Stephenson Harwood?" Max 250 words.
    The question doesn't seem to be asking about my own experiences, especially with such a short word count. However, on their vac scheme application FAQs, they say that including as much of my work experience as possible will go a long way with my application.

    The point is, I don't want to talk about my work experience if they are asking a particular question about something else but, then again, they do advise including this experience on their FAQ page...

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