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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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  • Sep 20, 2021
    I had this as a response to my Gibson Dunn SVS app last year,:

    Thank you for your application for a place on the Gibson Dunn Summer Vacation Scheme 2023. We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion. However, we were impressed with your application and encourage you to apply for our 2024 summer vacation scheme, as we aim to recruit all of our trainees from our summer vacation scheme. Applications open in Autumn.

    Whilst we are unable to provide individual feedback, please find attached our application guidance PDF which highlights key advice for future applications.

    I know it is a long shot, but does anyone that had the same and still have the PDF?
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    Star Member
    Sep 11, 2023
    I had this as a response to my Gibson Dunn SVS app last year,:

    Thank you for your application for a place on the Gibson Dunn Summer Vacation Scheme 2023. We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion. However, we were impressed with your application and encourage you to apply for our 2024 summer vacation scheme, as we aim to recruit all of our trainees from our summer vacation scheme. Applications open in Autumn.

    Whilst we are unable to provide individual feedback, please find attached our application guidance PDF which highlights key advice for future applications.

    I know it is a long shot, but does anyone that had the same and still have the PDF?
    i do - dm me and I can send it over :)
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  • Sep 23, 2022
    I had this as a response to my Gibson Dunn SVS app last year,:

    Thank you for your application for a place on the Gibson Dunn Summer Vacation Scheme 2023. We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion. However, we were impressed with your application and encourage you to apply for our 2024 summer vacation scheme, as we aim to recruit all of our trainees from our summer vacation scheme. Applications open in Autumn.

    Whilst we are unable to provide individual feedback, please find attached our application guidance PDF which highlights key advice for future applications.

    I know it is a long shot, but does anyone that had the same and still have the PDF?
    this brought back bad memories - but here you go. I think Gibson is one of those firms where you really have to apply early.


    • Gibson Dunn Successful Applications Guidance.pdf
      173.8 KB · Views: 179

    Asil Ahmad

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  • Mar 29, 2020
    Have noticed a lot of law firms have moved to Vantage this year for their applications does anyone know why. Personally I prefer apply4law out of all of them.


    Distinguished Member
    Apr 28, 2023
    Any tips on hsf sjt?? I took the practice test and basically bombed it. Didnt have this issue with ao sjt
    Yes - look up their values and align them with the scenarios. Remember to go back to this list when you are sitting it. Watch their you tube videos to get a better sense of the firm. The test is of similar difficulty to the practice test!
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    Legendary Member
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    Sep 16, 2022
    Any advice for these two questions for Addleshaw Goddard:

    Choose one of Addleshaw Goddard's practice areas or sectors and tell us about a major change in law or government policy that clients in that sector/practice area are facing and what opportunities that creates for us?

    If you were in government what one thing would you change to make it easier for UK businesses to succeed and why?

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    Legendary Member
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    Sep 4, 2018
    Any advice for these two questions for Addleshaw Goddard:

    Choose one of Addleshaw Goddard's practice areas or sectors and tell us about a major change in law or government policy that clients in that sector/practice area are facing and what opportunities that creates for us?

    If you were in government what one thing would you change to make it easier for UK businesses to succeed and why?
    Look at their practice areas and sectors, and also consider their insights on their website. Lastly, look at their case studies and understand how they work as a way to assess what kind of opportunities the firm seizes.


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    Feb 11, 2023
    Stephenson Harwood have an unconventional question - "read the article on sustainability in Yachting. A client has asked for an overview and the key points. In 600 words, please summarize the article." max 600 words (also, they do say "summariZe")

    Does anyone have any suggestions for qs like these?
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    Legendary Member
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    Sep 14, 2023
    Any advice for these two questions for Addleshaw Goddard:

    Choose one of Addleshaw Goddard's practice areas or sectors and tell us about a major change in law or government policy that clients in that sector/practice area are facing and what opportunities that creates for us?

    If you were in government what one thing would you change to make it easier for UK businesses to succeed and why?
    Hey @hanz123, these are very interesting but at the same time quite challenging questions for sure, however I would say that there are areas that you can work on that might help you create the best answers for them.
    In your position, what I would focus on is:

    For the first question specifically:
    • Pick one practice area that you are interested in and that the firm excels at too. The reason I say this is because it is important for you to talk about something that you are passionate about and that you are genuinely happy to research in depth. At the same time, you want to pick something that resonates with the firm's strengths rather than something the firm does not necessarily work on extensively.
    • Make sure to read the question carefully and tackle each part of it. As you can see, they are asking you to choose one practice area or sector, write about a major change in law or government policy that affects their clients within that sector and also the opportunities it creates for the firm. All these three parts have to be addressed. Although it seems redundant to reiterate this, whenever you are answering the question, it is really easy to forget to answer the last part of the question as you are focusing on the practice area and the clients of the firms. So bearing in mind all three parts is extremely essential.
    • If you manage to find a very recent case that the firm has worked on whenever you are mentioning some clients, I think that will work in your favour. In fact, you will show an in depth knowledge of the firm and its clients but also commercial awareness, especially if you focus on the consequences of this case for the future of the sector you decide to talk about.
    For the second question:

    • Be very commercially driven: this question is made for you to show your commercial awareness, so I would advise you to be very commercially aware and showcase your knowledge. Talk about the political, social and economic consequences of the topic and do not forget to tackle the WHY part of the question.
    • I would recommend to choose something that affect every type of business in every industry as that would give you the breadth to talk more in-depth about what you chose to write.
    • To find something to write about, I would study very cautiously the website of the firm and look for every piece of news that they seem to be very interested in and that might affect their clients massively. Usually law firms have articles/pieces of news that they write and publish on their websites and I think that those are a good place to start with your research. That was the place I always started from when I was attempting questions like these.
    I hope these tips are useful and good luck with the application to Addleshaw Goddard!
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