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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Oct 23, 2019
I am not sure if you read the OP, but they didn't say they expected to "automatically be granted" a VS. They were disappointed they didn't even get "a TI for the Vac Scheme". 😊

I'd also like to add that one of the nice things about this forum is that you can just spill out your rational or irrational thoughts and feelings, disappointments etc to people who understand the process. OP did not expect a place on the Vac Scheme but it's not out of the ordinary for one to feel like if their open day and insight scheme application is good enough to be accepted, then they would generally have a good enough application and insight to at least progress to the next stage.

This application process is hard and daunting enough, you can think you're doing everything right and the lack of feedback can leave you wondering where you went wrong. You can get the grades, attend all the events, have TCLA review your application and even people from the firm and STILL not get past application stage. It's disheartening to say the least, but let's not deprive any of our fellow members just one minute or post to wallow before picking themselves up and trying again 😊💞
Jul 23, 2022
Okay, this isn't the nicest way to see it obviously. BUT, this commenter is not wrong. Just because you did an open day/ insight scheme with a firm does not mean that you should automatically be granted a vacation scheme. That would literally be legal nepotism lol. You have people who do full vacation schemes and are still rejected from a TC.

You are not owed anything just because you did an application and travelled to London. There are international students who travel CONTINENTS and do the SAME schemes so your point is redundant.

If you truly want to get in just because you did a scheme in the past, apply to CC. They let people who did forage internships have a 3x higher chance of getting in compared to everyone else.

My point is: what the commenter said was kinda rude but, you're not owed anything just because you've done a long application process or open day.
Facts bro. Way to many people using this form as a copism tool. You should always assume you'll be rejected anyway.
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