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2 minutes to answer. Unlimited prep time.How many seconds do we get to complete the AO VI?
Yes, I would expect so. Obviously a lot more will be considered beyond your academics.Is it worth applying to US firms with the following academics:
GCSEs ABBBBCCC; A Levels: AAA; degree: 62.5 (average of 65 with first year exams - Oxbridge).
I did VSs in 2018, 2019 and 2020 but gave up for two years after not converting anything.
If you got an offer from a firm for a winter scheme and you could no longer attend, you could ask to be put forward for either a direct TC recruitment process or deferred to a Spring or Summer vacation scheme.I would really appreciate any advice re applying to vacation schemes. How do you decide which ones to apply to throughout the year?
For example, if I applied to 5 firms' winter scheme, and was lucky enough to get say 3 of them, then I would have to reject the others because the dates overlap. Then I wouldn't be able to re-apply to the other ones if I wasn't able to convert my VS into a TC. I want to apply to as many as possible to increase my chances but dont want to be in a situation where I shoot myself in the foot by having to turn down a firm that I want to work for.
They could have a preference and still do rolling recruitment.Just wondering where it says that Latham recruits on a rolling basis? I have recently been told the opposite by graduate recruitment and that in terms of VS applications they prefer people to apply to open days first
Thank you Jessica!If you got an offer from a firm for a winter scheme and you could no longer attend, you could ask to be put forward for either a direct TC recruitment process or deferred to a Spring or Summer vacation scheme.
It gets you on their mailing lists and it shows your proactiveness to learn, but I don’t think it is a golden ticket to getting an interview. Plenty of people don’t do them and get interviews with firms too.Does completing the firm's forage virtual internships stand in your favour? or do they not matter as much?
I think they're really helpful for MC firms! CC says that it makes you 3.5x likely to succeed and A&O heavily pushes Forage.Does completing the firm's forage virtual internships stand in your favour? or do they not matter as much?
Thanks!I think they're really helpful for MC firms! CC says that it makes you 3.5x likely to succeed and A&O heavily pushes Forage.
This is just my opinion but I feel like the firms wouldn't spend the time making 6 hour long (min) and FREE resources if they were not going to work in your favour and not matter as much. Also, worst case scenario, you do the internships and it may not give you a TC but you'll get a stronger insight into the firm's work.
I normally write in first-person. Personally, I'm a little off put by those LinekdIn profiles you see in third person... we all know you wrote it, mate.Are we meant to write in first person or third person for the work experience section of application?
By 'put off' I assume you mean 'cringed by'I normally write in first-person. Personally, I'm a little off put by those LinekdIn profiles you see in third person... we all know you wrote it, mate.
Hi, thank you so much for your message. I shall look at applying to those firms this year. Most people have said to explain the circumstances to be clear and short; if the firm wants more information, they will ask. Do you think it's better to go into detail? Also, would it be possible to get me in touch with your friend and contact on ways I can stand out to firms and programmes like Accutrainee?If being a solicitor in a commercial/corporate law firm is your ambition, then I have no doubt you will accomplish this. University grades are certainly important but they are not a golden bullet. It is a big world, London is a big city, and there are opportunities afar when good candidates slip through the cracks.
As a first step, I would make a list of those firms that do not have A Level requirements and apply to those. Off the top of my head, I know Squire Patton Boggs are an insanely impressive firm that do not require A Levels. A friend of mine obtained a vacation scheme with A Level grades worse than yours. He did not receive the TC offer but was told to reapply this year. There will also be BCLP, DWF and others.
Secondly, you should sit down (over the course of a few sessions if it is difficult) and detail what impacted your A Level grades and university grades using Microsoft Word. Law firms will accept a detailed letter if the space that explains your extenuating circumstances needs more space.
Lastly, I advise if this is something you are serious about pursuing long-term to play the long game. I am a career changer and finished the GDL/LPC in 2020. I have been through a few cycles now, making it to the last stage with the offer being elusive. I will pick myself up, gain more experience, and come back. Paralegal roles and applying to firms as an internal candidate are also possibilities. Alternatively, a contact of mine trained via Accutrainee and is now a CMS lawyer. There is no reason to conclude the worst from your circumstances but keep your head up and remain persistent. Best of luck!
Personally, I think firms can only be aware of what you tell them. If something impacted you, explain how. Being short and being clear\concise are two different things. If you need more detail, that’s fine too. There isn’t a golden bullet.Hi, thank you so much for your message. I shall look at applying to those firms this year. Most people have said to explain the circumstances to be clear and short; if the firm wants more information, they will ask. Do you think it's better to go into detail? Also, would it be possible to get me in touch with your friend and contact on ways I can stand out to firms and programmes like Accutrainee?
Yes this is true I can confirm that their app opens 1st October but summer VS closes 3rd JanLooks like missing Bakers spring scheme - opens 1st Oct also but closes 1st Dec