Hi there,
Can someone confirm whether you are instantly invited to take the CAP assessment once you have submitted the application or are you sent the link a few days later?
Thanks a lot Aaron, much appreciated!
Also, is the CAP like an SJT or does it have numerical/verbal elements in it?
How was it?Anyone else still waiting to hear from Linklaters post-AC? I had mine on Tuesday and I have still not heard back.
Anyone who has completed the application -
Is there anything that can be done to prepare for the CAPP assessment? What sort of questions are they?
Is it timed?
And does the 5-day deadline for the Watson Glaser test begin upon completion of the CAPP assessment?
Just want to make sure I go in with the best mindset possible.
Anyone who has completed the application -
Is there anything that can be done to prepare for the CAPP assessment? What sort of questions are they?
Is it timed?
And does the 5-day deadline for the Watson Glaser test begin upon completion of the CAPP assessment?
Just want to make sure I go in with the best mindset possible.
Ah ok.
I might just do a couple of SJT practices just to stimulate the way of thinking at least.
Any examples of the sort of question the CAPP test involves? Are they similar to that of the WG or are they simply a "What would you do in this scenario" type thing?
For the people who applied to winter, is there any meaning of the 'under review' e-mail? Just got it when applying for Spring
What stage are you at? I think mine was ‘on hold’
Hey everyone! I am just in the process of applying for the spring vacation scheme at Linklaters, and am wondering if anyone would be willing to advise me on the following questions:
1) Is the "secondary education" section (which is on the same page as the "undergraduate education" section) only included for the purpose of contextual recruitment? I attended high school outside the UK, and was unable to save my qualification, let alone break down my module results.
2) I saw that some people in this thread mentioned that you are only able to enter 3 instances of work experience - however, my application form did not have any section for work experience! Have I missed something?
Would be very grateful for any tips/helpbest of luck to all of you with your applications!
Hi Emina. I applied for the winter vac scheme, so I don't remember everything about the application process, but I hope this helps:
1) I also attended school outside of the UK and I wasn't able to detail my qualifications in the application process, I just had to stick to 'other'. If I remember correctly, the only qualifications I provided were for my university.
2) You are only asked to provide work experience information if you receive an invitation to an AC. For now, just focus on sending the application form and completing the online tests!
Online form and Capps assessment!Hey all - for the WG test deadline, is it 5 days from the completion of the online form + Capp assessment or just the online form?
Online form and Cap
Hey all - for the WG test deadline, is it 5 days from the completion of the online form + Capp assessment or just the online form?
Hi! Which 5 day deadline is this? The email I received after filling out the online application form simply states that the tests must be completed by the application deadline (which I suppose means 16 Dec)?