I'm worried about my own Spring scheme too but I'm resisting emailing because I don't want to add to the panic. If they make any decisions about it we will be the first to know.Hi, Is it worth me emailing TLT about my spring scheme? Nothing has been said about it being cancelled but Is it worth asking for an update?![]()
Hi, Is it worth me emailing TLT about my spring scheme? Nothing has been said about it being cancelled but Is it worth asking for an update?![]()
@Jaysen what are your predictions as to when you think those spring schemes (open day/vac schemes) will be open again? May? Or too early in your opinion?
i would leave it. The only answer you’re likely to get is that they will let you know as soon as they have decided if it’s going to go ahead or not. Mine hasn’t been cancelled yet either, but realistically Boris Johnson just said to not go into work if you can work from home so I’m 99% certain no spring schemes will go ahead (at least not in London)
Also will be highly dependent on when your scheme is.
Those that start in the next two weeks are more likely to be cancelled and sooner. Those that will happen mid-April are probably hoping things change by then, or won't cancel them until close to the time.
Its a bit like my flights - I am not flying out until 13 April, but I am unlikely to know what is happening with my flight until a week or so before I go (or don't as the case may actually be)![]()
Trowers & Hamlins vacation scheme assessment days have been cancelled. We have not been updated yet about what alternative assessments they are going to be providing.
I agree, I was hoping I would get to do it but yesterday the advice changed quite a bit and things seem to be moving more quickly.Latham & Watkins Spring Scheme cancelled.
I'd make a bold assumption, given the amount of cancellations, that it's gonna be unlikely to see any go ahead.
@Jessica Booker
assuming that the situation continues like this for the next 2-3m, threatening summer vac schemes as well, do you think there is any chance that law firms that recruit only from VS will shift their schemers to TC ACs? Or would they prefer to either postpone even more or cancel and look to recruit with the same system next year? Thanks!