Hey Guest, do you have a question for graduate recruitment? Gemma Baker from Willkie is live to answer your questions!
oh noooo Did they offer a direct-TC or postpone to summer?Linklaters spring VS cancelled! After three cycles of nothing this hurts...
Yup! Wonder what happens when it clashes with other schemes though...
Yup! Wonder what happens when it clashes with other schemes though...
They have only cancelled it for now and said they’ll be in touch next week or so with an updateoh noooo Did they offer a direct-TC or postpone to summer?
Same for Birmingham assessment centre due for next week.Irwin Mitchell's London PLS assessment centre has been postponed. With a note saying Summer VS may also be postponed but we will get assessed for a TC when it is appropriate.
@Jaysen what are your predictions as to when you think those spring schemes (open day/vac schemes) will be open again? May? Or too early in your opinion?
good - how did you find out and which officeJust to add, Trowers will be assessing us in a different way, probably online! so not completely cancelled
Updated, thanks!Gowling WLG just cancelled their Spring VS.
Thanks, Jaysen. Will doUpdated, thanks!
I've written 'postponed' on most of them for now, but if you guys do receive further details from firms as to their plans, I'll update the list.
For the London office! my AC was meant to be yesterday. I got an email on Friday to say they were finding alternative ways to assess us for the Summer VS and to be patient we will hear from them soon!good - how did you find out and which office