Many thanks
@Jacob Miller for the warm welcome.
Question 1 - I get asked this question a lot and I always find it hard to answer (which is usually the sign of a great question). In general, I would say I haven't ever really thought "oh I wish I knew [x] or [y]". The reason for this is because the training contract is about you learning and developing, and this is obviously unique for each individual. If you knew everything beforehand, you wouldn't learn anything. That being said, I want give you some good takeaways so I shall endeavour to actually answer your question! So the three things I wish I knew are:
The training contract is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking on too much work from the beginning may lead to burnout and can lead to poor quality work. Therefore, especially during your first seat, take your time to settle in and don't feel pressured to say yes to every single piece of work that comes your way.
You are your own worst enemy. In a previous post I talked about making mistakes and checking through old emails for typos. I have learnt that beating yourself up over past mistakes is useless; the most important thing is to accept mistakes will be made and your objective should be to try and learn from them.
Your intake can be your bedrock. When I started my training contract I did not spend much time with my intake. Maybe I thought I was "too cool for school", but over time, I established some really strong connections with members of my intake that I am still close with today. These individuals can really help you in your time of need and can be the perfect resource for "silly" questions.
Question 2 - Another great question. I would say: (i) they go the extra mile by thinking ahead and progressing workstreams without me asking them to; (ii) show a real interest in issues affecting the department; and (iii) they generally find ways to make my life easier.
Hopefully my responses help, but please let me know if I can expand on the above.