Just wanted to thank you guys on this thread for your insights......just got a vac scheme offer from Davis Polk!!!
Amazing well done!!
Just wanted to thank you guys on this thread for your insights......just got a vac scheme offer from Davis Polk!!!
Where did you see this? Can't see on their website?Skadden is also being quite confusing ahah. In my rejection email they stated that they received “an exceptionally high number of excellent apps”. But they reopened their vac schemes apps, extending the deadline till the 27th? Does anyone know why firms might do this?
It’s on their apply4law pageWhere did you see this? Can't see on their website?
/seen a few people get VS ACs for Freshfields.. Anyone else still waiting haha
Just wanted to thank you guys on this thread for your insights......just got a vac scheme offer from Davis Polk!!!
Hey guys! Does anyone have any tips for the HSF assessment centre? Thanks in advance!
You heard back from them already?? I'm still waiting
I am still waiting too, when did you apply?
Anyone heard back from Slaughters post-VS interview this month?
Sorry to bombard you with questions as well but can i ask when did you apply, and also, when did you hear about your AC invite? I have still yet to hear and I am really keen on them. Congratulations on your AC, huge achievement! Best of luck to youCan I ask which scheme this is for and when you applied?
Big congrats pal!Just wanted to thank you guys on this thread for your insights......just got a vac scheme offer from Davis Polk!!!
For those concerned, I just got an video interview invite from Latham 5 minutes ago
Latham VI invitation! Any tips?
Answers my question from the other thread, me too!!!So happy
Thank you very much! One thing I have learned is that we can never tell how HR departments at different firms are choosing to manage the huge quantity of applications so don't be too quick to discount yourself. Remember that no news isn't bad newscongratulations guys and best of luck for the VI!
Didn't receive anything from latham today so I'm guessing it's a PFO for me
congratulations guys and best of luck for the VI!
Didn't receive anything from latham today so I'm guessing it's a PFO for me
Thank you very much! One thing I have learned it that we can never tell how HR departments at different firms are choosing to manage the huge quantity of applications so don't be too quick to discount yourself. Remember that no news isn't bad newsI hope you get a positive response soon!
Don't assume a rejection just yet! I think I was probably in their "maybe" pile when I applied last summer. I received a VI very late, after they had already held an AC. Hope you'll get a positive response.
That'd be absolutely fine - just make sure you do it asap!Hi guys,
I received an email yesterday inviting me to an interview at Shearman and have now realised that my preferences for the dates of the scheme I chose have changed. Do you think they would mind if I emailed them asking to change my preferences?
Hey guys! Does anyone have any tips for the HSF assessment centre? Thanks in advance!