An actual assessment. I got really high scores on practice testsIs your percentile for an actual assessment or is this a practice test?
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An actual assessment. I got really high scores on practice testsIs your percentile for an actual assessment or is this a practice test?
It is tricky to know the exact benchmark the firm would have - I have known them to be as low as the 17th percentile for some firms but as high as 67/68th percentile for other firms.An actual assessment. I got really high scores on practice tests
I ended up getting rejected actually and that’s why I asked what the score was just in case that would’ve contributed? I thought I really did badly on the test to get in that percentile which was why I was curious as to what they benchmark againstIt is tricky to know the exact benchmark the firm would have - I have known them to be as low as the 17th percentile for some firms but as high as 67/68th percentile for other firms.
It could easily be the case where you are around the middle of these to extremes, that you could have done enough to be considered.
It is a possibility.I ended up getting rejected actually and that’s why I asked what the score was just in case that would’ve contributed? I thought I really did badly on the test to get in that percentile which was why I was curious as to what they benchmark against
I wouldn’t include the word for word feedback received but you can say in a more concise way something like:Hi @Jessica Booker do you think it is a good idea to include an except of written feedback for a task I did really well on during a vacation scheme in my work experience section after having talked about that task?
right you areIf you have mitigating circumstances, you don’t have to worry about who is or isn’t open to these grades - your mitigating circumstances negate your grades.
You don’t need to include this on a CV and in many instances would not not to include it generally (excluding the equal opportunities questions where you will also be asked about your gender, age, ethnicity etc as these can not be associated with your individual application.Hi @Jessica Booker can you advise how firms look at learning disabilities like ADHD, ASD, dyslexia etc? I suffer from one but am not sure if I should put it on my cv. It impacts the way I work so people will realise in the end if I do finally get a TC, so I feel I should include it.
If you excluded your criminal law grade, what would your average be?Hi Jessica , I hope you are well! I wanted some advice regarding applying to vac schemes this year. I haven’t performed as well on my first year exams as I hoped and averaged a 2:2. Many firms want a 2:1 or a 1:1 from vac schemers. I do not know whether I should apply to vac schemes this year if there is the possibility of rejection because of my grades as applications can be intense and take up a lot of time. For context, my criminal law grade had a mitigating circumstance which was accepted by my university. But my public law grade let me down as I genuinely struggled with the content. Can you guide me as to what I should do? I’m not sure who else to go to at the moment as I don’t have any mentors.
I am actually on leave until Wednesday so am unable to personally look into this. I will send your message to the team and ask someone to respond though.Hi Jess, so sorry to chase but I sent an email yesterday to TCLA support asking to get my membership upgraded to gold and was wondering if I could follow up on the request/ get an idea of how long it might take
Thank you, sorry for disturbing your time off!!I am actually on leave until Wednesday so am unable to personally look into this. I will send your message to the team and ask someone to respond though.
Have you had a response from the team?Thank you, sorry for disturbing your time off!!
Not yet but I realised earlier that I hadn't confirmed my email address for my account which might be whyHave you had a response from the team?
I would continue to apply to both opportunities (subject to your eligibility for them with each firm) as well as open days/insight programmes. I would only recommend not applying for training contracts if you need to build up both your legal and non-legal work experience as typically you will need some experience either in a legal setting or in another type of office/professional environment.Hello,
I am in my final year of studying law and slightly unclear on next steps. I have applied for vac schemes last year and this year, but with little success. What should my next steps be? Just keep applying for vac schemes? Try and apply for training contracts?
Thanks for responding, I am just lost right now.