Thanks! can you please elaborate on what you mean by ‘very commerical heavy’? Are the interviewers asking you straight up what commerical issues you are following and the significance on the industry or
Hey Jaysen, I am stuck on explaining how law firms can maintain a competitive advantage in uncertain economic climates such as low interest rate concerns. I hope that makes sense?
Hey Jaysen, Following this, do you know how law firms can utilize interest rate concerns to maintain a competitive advantage?I am struggling on the latter part. Thanks for your input as always.
Hi Guys, I am hoping to apply to Weil for their TC and I am having problems with answering the last two questions (please see below) and still questioning whether I should answer it? If I decide not to answer it.. will my application being reviewed negatively?
Any tips would be greatly...
Hey! I understand that everyone works differently but my technique is to pile up all the firms I am interested in applying to (whether that would be a VS or TC) into one table, sign up (obvs) and copy/paste all the questions. I will then start with the firms that have longer application forms...
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