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  1. S

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    Hello! Is anyone able to share a recent CMS assessment centre I can pass onto my mentee? Many thanks
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    CV Blind Interviews

    A blind CV process just means that the interview will have no information about you (other than your name) so you can mention the name of school(s) you have attended and any relevant experience. Often the first question in a CV blind interview will be tell me about yourself, so I just start off...
  3. S

    Hearing Back from Law Firms, Assessment Centres & Interview Tips - 2019 - 2020

    For those of you who have completed AC’s and have been successful or not, please can you share your experiences of the AC from start to finish in the interview section of the forum to help others prepare for any upcoming ACs most effectively (link below!)...
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    Hearing Back from Law Firms, Assessment Centres & Interview Tips - 2019 - 2020

    For those of you who have applied to CC, for your reference, interviews last year took place at the end of Jan, good luck all!
  5. S

    Greenshoe options - Aramco

    https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.ft.com/content/db9cb912-1cf4-11ea-9186-7348c2f183af Update - Saudi Aramco has now hit the 2 trillion mark and is now the worlds first $2 trillion company.
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    Law Fair/Legal Events

    Legal cheek is free and the events they hold are very informative and helpful!
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    Clifford Chance Application Question

    I am a first seat trainee at CC, reach out if you need anything! Just to note, re the open days, it is not necessary to attend one at all (I did not!!!). I would also recommend using the STAR/CAR approach when answering the 600 word application question. Good luck all!
  8. S

    Application opening dates

    All, The following links might help with application deadlines (I would suggest checking the firm's website as well just to make sure the deadline is correct)...
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    Training Contract Applications

    Hi Amy, I completed the W&C VI in January this year for the spring vac and on the top of my head, I was asked three questions and they were: 1. Why have you applied to White & Case?; 2. A question which related to White & Case 2020 strategy (I do not remember the exact words); and 3. What key...
  10. S

    Reed Smith Strengths Assessment - advice

    For those asking for the video, the link is above. I discuss with Rachael about her experience applying to law firms, the application process and any firm specific questions or advice. @Julian Ng and @vicky 1 - FYI...
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    Hearing Back from Firms + AC & Interview Tips Share - 2018 - 2019

    Congrats Naomi!!! Truly deserved.
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    Training Contract Success Stories

    @Ally26 Just to note on the older references, if your firm can not locate your old referee due to them leaving the workplace, you may be asked to give proof (either in the form of an email or letter acceptance) which confirms the dates you worked there and who you worked for.
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    Training Contract Success Stories

    AMAZINGGGG NEWS!!! SO happy for you, I know how hard you've worked for this, massive congrats :)
  14. S

    Which law firms recruit on a rolling basis? 2018-2019

    Thanks for sharing Evania!
  15. S

    New members - Don't be afraid to post!

    Hey Kelvin, We will be looking to release more current trainee threads in the future, glad to hear you enjoyed them. The general chat/comments thread is found here - https://www.thecorporatelawacademy.com/forum/threads/off-topic-discussions.1379/#post-10692
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    Toronto-based CLA Members?

    @AzanAshai, any assistance?
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    Vacation Scheme Top Tips

    Student halls or air bnb, whatever is the most affordable, good luck with your vac scheme.
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    Hearing Back from Firms + AC & Interview Tips Share - 2018 - 2019

    A massive good luck to those starting their vac scheme on Monday! Some excellent advice from @Lawgirlxo and TCLA’s official vacation scheme guide has been released, have a read here - https://www.thecorporatelawacademy.com/forum/threads/vacation-scheme-top-tips.1371/

About Us

The Corporate Law Academy (TCLA) was founded in 2018 because we wanted to improve the legal journey. We wanted more transparency and better training. We wanted to form a community of aspiring lawyers who care about becoming the best version of themselves.


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