You can never be too early in thinking about this, so don’t worry!Hi guys,
Forgive me if this sounds pre-emptive, but with the deadline for most applications tomorrow, I was curious when most firms welcome applications again for 2022?
Couldn’t find much with a simple google so thought I’d ask those with some experience!
You can never be too early in thinking about this, so don’t worry!
I think many firms open on 1st October based on last year but many firms are increasingly opening up their apps earlier (think A&O could be tomorrow but don’t quote me on that) so it’d be a good idea to look into evening events and open days maybe at the start to mid September if not a bit earlier to make sure you don’t miss out on crucial opportunities for the next cycle. Let me know if you have any other questions in terms of time frames and I can try and help based on my experience this year
It opens today (1st August!)
I've always been fearful to apply to magic circle firms. I don't have stellar academic records (I still have what they're asking for though) and I am the first in my family to go to university and I went to a state school.
However, I might just go for it! I've always been interested in their work culture ever since I met a trainee in my first year of university. Do you think I should try and apply for some events before applying? Other than meeting the trainee, which was a few years ago, (I'm now doing the LPC) I don't really have any contact with the firm.
It opens today (1st August!)
I've always been fearful to apply to magic circle firms. I don't have stellar academic records (I still have what they're asking for though) and I am the first in my family to go to university and I went to a state school.
However, I might just go for it! I've always been interested in their work culture ever since I met a trainee in my first year of university. Do you think I should try and apply for some events before applying? Other than meeting the trainee, which was a few years ago, (I'm now doing the LPC) I don't really have any contact with the firm.
For some reason I’ve had it in my head it’s the 31st today!! Yes you’re correct it is today
I’m also state educated and a first generation uni student and I honestly think people really appreciate that these days and see it as a nod to people wanting to pursue their goals and make a life for themselves! So please don’t feel deterred at all and at the end of the day if you’re the sort of person they feel is a good fit and if you’re motivated and can convincingly speak about why you like the firm at interview, you have just as much chance as anyone so absolutely go for it!!
No worries at all!! Best of luck with it and we are always here to help if you needI'm going to have a go at the winter vacation scheme! Two birds with one stone if I can score there.
Thanks Alice!
Hey guys,
So I've made a start on the A&O application and where it is asking me to put in my grades, it's asking for all the exams I've ever sat. Would you actually put in each individual exams grade or just your overall grade for the subject? The trouble is I can't even remember each exam I sat for my GCSE's and I only have the transcripts which show my overall grade!
It says as follows:
"Please input all the exams you have taken at Secondary Education from GCSE upwards and the grades you were awarded, including fails and resits. For non-UK qualifications please give the original results, not the UK equivalents.
The order that you enter your qualifications is not important, but you must ensure that you detail all of the exams you have sat and the grades you were awarded.
For any qualifications you have yet to complete, please enter them here along with your expected result(s) or enter N/A if unknown."
Maybe I'm just reading into it too much...
No I don’t think you are - I think their wording could be better here still but I would read that as just inputting the grades you were ultimately awarded. When it says about resits etc, that’s where I’d be as specific as possibleIf you’re still a bit unsure though it’s always worthwhile emailing grad rec for these things as it also might flag up to them that the wording is a bit confused
It says as follows:
"Please input all the exams you have taken at Secondary Education from GCSE upwards and the grades you were awarded, including fails and resits. For non-UK qualifications please give the original results, not the UK equivalents.
The order that you enter your qualifications is not important, but you must ensure that you detail all of the exams you have sat and the grades you were awarded.
For any qualifications you have yet to complete, please enter them here along with your expected result(s) or enter N/A if unknown."
Maybe I'm just reading into it too much...