Since they specified headshot, I would assume they meant with a professional background. There are lots of editing apps which whiten backgrounds e.g. AirBrush, PicsArt, you could try? Might be worth a shot
So my initial reaction was to answer why I'm interested in commercial law and the types of firms, so I gave a brief answer there. Then when he asked again I think I went back to my IR degree and how my interest in law came from that. When he asked AGAIN I must've bs-ed really hard bc it was...
I've been asked in an interview "how did you end up here?", and the partner wasn't convinced with any of my 3 replies. I took it to mean "what's your journey to commercial law been like?", but I guess not. Any advice on how to answer this if it comes up again?
Yes many have received WG tests in the past weeks, just waiting for responses now (this has been discussed in the direct TC thread so best keeping an eye there :) )
They moved it on the website, but someone said they tried to apply with that new deadline and it said applications are closed. We speculate it may be a new deadline for accepting their open day/AC? Maybe it will open up when they start giving out invites, who knows lol
No I'm just going with the sector as a whole. I think referring to the firm is most relevant to the last question about their values. Not sure about the deadline, but many firms count the day they sent it on itself, so I'm going with Friday just to be safe :)
So you get 3 questions, each 1m30 in length and 30s preparation time before each one - questions are about the firm, the legal industry overall and you get one competency one too - prepare as you would for any other interview, just practice condensing in 1m20 (10s room for any pauses etc.) -...
The type of firm doesn't matter; after all it is an open day, so you're just trying to see if you enjoy the work they do and could see yourself pursuing that type of law.
I would say group all your open days under one work experience heading, just to save space. Briefly mention you attended x y...
Hii, so I'm not sure if they count Tuesday but I would say send them off by Friday, just to be safe. If your laptop situation is really dire you could always email them and see if they'd be generous to issue you an extension, or use your phone? Hope it works out!
I can't give specific examples as I don't know the firm you're referring to, but I would start by looking at the firm's practice areas - maybe using Legal500 to see the areas in which it really excels, and then go on to explain how this leads clients to prefer this firm over others, as the firm...
It's usually asking how the firm is different from competitors form the point of view of clients i.e. what would make a client seek advice from that firm over others? Their strength in a particular practice area? A particular legal market? The capabilities of their lawyers? Hope that makes sense :)
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