Hey Guest, do you have a question for graduate recruitment? Gemma Baker from Willkie is live to answer your questions!
I felt attacked in my interview as well and was convinced the partners had already made their decision to reject me....three days later they offered me a place on the scheme.had JD interview today and i felt ....... attacked?! i’m too emotionally unstable for this
Depends - some firms will call from a private number but others won't.If law firms call you, do they usually on a private number? I've got a missed call but can't call them back - worried its the firm I'm waiting to hear on!
Could I also ask you how it went? via dm maybe? Thanks!yep did mine on monday
19th of Feb. He mentioned that they aim to get back to people in 7 working days, but I don’t think that is the case considering people are only hearing back from December22 January, what about you?
Ah okay, thanks! And good luck!I found out I had an interview the friday before last, but haven’t heard since the interview
Omg I know my back actually hurts from how long that first session was 😂Yo dude AS is so intense
I'm waiting Mayer Brown post test (sorry- I said app I meant test), wasn't sure whether to email or not!Is anyone still waiting on (all for summer):
White & Case post app (applied in November)
Simmons post VI (completed in January)
Norton Rose post WG (did it last week)
Gibson Dunn post app
Mayer Brown post app
If you do, ensure they are very concise and well structured. You don’t want to rely on them, so they need to be key word reference points rather than word for word phrasing. If you rely on such “script” type approach you can come across as disingenuous as it looks like your thinking isn’t natural/at the forefront of your brain.Is it a big no no to have some notes during an interview? Little prompts or billet points etc.
I always have notes on one half of my screen and the zoom call on the other half. Just write them in bullet points and have it in a large font size so its easy to glance as a reminder and you dont have to read
I had my AC today and I think I heard them say their last AC is on Tuesday for the summer schemeDoes anybody know until when will Ashurst be running ACs? Thank you!