Yes I am still waiting tooI sent my application in early December. When did you send your application?
For a video interview, is it a bad thing if I don't talk with my hands?
Regional offices often take less trainees than London offices. So it may not necessarily be less competitive...DELETED
As above, I would strongly recommend against this, precisely for the reasons Jessica has shared.DELETED
Further to my above, they'd never favour you in this situation and would potentially even redact the offer. I would personally be extremely hacked off if I worked in GR and it became apparent that this was someone's motive.DELETED
Hi, for a question such as 'How would you describe the relationship between law and business?' how would you go about answering this? Is the question essentially asking what is 'commercial law'?
In an industry where personal and professional integrity ought to be at the forefront of everything you do, I have to be honest and say that trying to play the system in this way really is poor form and will only end up putting you at a relative disadvantage to where you'd have been had you just played above board from the off. Changing one's mind is one thing, trying to manipulate the system/ acting in bad faith is quite another.DELETED
I did two 20 credit modules at university (one in first year and one in second year), and have been entering them as:
Module 1 - xx%
Module 2 - xx%
However, on my transcripts they are written as two 10 credit modules:
Module 1 (A) - xx%
Module 1 (B) - xx%
Module 2 (A) - xx%
Module 2 (B) - xx%
The percentage score for the (A) and (B) parts are identical as they were taught as one module, but now I'm worried I've not entered it properly, is this something I should point out to the firms I've applied to?