Has anyone done the Simmons online judgement test and have any tips / what to expect?
I have
I passed the judgement test in a previous cycle and I just remember answering very honestly and going with my initial gut response.
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Has anyone done the Simmons online judgement test and have any tips / what to expect?
I haveYou get given 15 scenarios one at a time and, from the 3 response options you're given, you choose 1 which you think is the least effective response and 1 which you think is the most effective response. They recommend looking at their competencies but other than that you can't really prepare!
I passed the judgement test in a previous cycle and I just remember answering very honestly and going with my initial gut response.
I got video interview invite from White & Case. Please can anyone who has done this before assist on how to prepare and what to expect. Also, where can I find good resources online.
Congratulations! May I ask which opportunity it was for, and when you applied?I got video interview invite from White & Case. Please can anyone who has done this before assist on how to prepare and what to expect. Also, where can I find good resources online.
Congrats! Unless they changed it, you have 90 seconds to answer 3 questions from a mixed bank of competency, commercial and questions about the firm so make your prep quite broad.
Congratulations! May I ask which opportunity it was for, and when you applied?
That's great thank you!! Did they send your report after?
This is a bit of a weird question but does anyone have any motivational tips on how to write apps when in full time employment. I’ve just started my new job and I feel exhausted when I come back home and definitely not in the mood to write and research apps. Guess I’m looking for some consolation about apps and working!!
you aren’t the only person who feels like that.
You might want to have a look at this thread:
Does anyone know if law firms would switch video interviews for telephone interviews if you have a disability? I have FSHD which makes the muscles around and inside my mouth very weak and I speak very slowly. When I try to speak fast enough for a video interview, my speech sounds very slurred so I’ve never passed a video interview. I’m not usually someone who discloses my disability but I definitely want to apply to certain law firms with video interviews this year. Any advice? Thanks!!!
I completed the test earlier today and haven't received a report, and in the last cycle they definitely didn't send one. I received an email a week after I completed the judgement test saying:
"Thank you for recently completing our application form and online judgement test. I am delighted to confirm that you have been successful at this stage of the assessment process. Congratulations! We will now progress your application to the next stage of our assessment process, which is our online ability tests and video interview. You will have 7 calendar days from tomorrow to complete both the ability tests and video interview."
hey guys, is anyone willing to read my answer for an app question? thank you!