I am so confused, but grateful? I attended TLT's Direct TC AC a month ago and have been offered a 2-3 day "mini scheme" in the office in July as my final assessment, and I'm wondering if anyone else is in this boat...I know one other person on this forum is, but other than that I'm in the dark here. It's been such a crazy cycle. I applied for the vacation scheme in 2019, then was told I didn't get the VS, but was invited instead to attend direct TC AC in August 2020, then that got moved back to February 2021, and now I'm being asked to attend a mini scheme, which I have gathered is not the same as their regular VS that they are holding this year as well...? I guess they just want to see people in person now the pandemic restrictions are near their finish? But I have no idea what to expect because to my knowledge this has never happened before, there are no previous experiences to look at for guidance, and I don't know if there will be exercises or not. I'm just rolling with it and counting my blessings, because I know some others were not passed beyond this stage, and I know also that some people will struggle to take time off their jobs to attend. It's just odd is all!