Hi all, does anyone have any advice for escalating a complaint within BPP? I’m on the PGDL, and long story short my tort summative was marked completely wrong. Had a meeting with my tort tutor and she confirmed that none of the feedback matches my script (eg they talk about a claim against the local council, I never mentioned the local council; say I should have mentioned cases that I did mention etc). She also said it was marked way too low and she would have given it at least 6% higher. But despite all this she’s now saying they’re not going to re-mark it because the long form wouldn’t change bands (even though my overall tort mark would change bands). It doesn’t seem to make sense for them to apply that policy in this case, where the original mark is not even my mark!
I’m slightly despairing because the whole institution seems like an impenetrable brick wall when it comes to complaints or concerns. Does anyone have any advice on how to escalate this, internally or externally?
I’m slightly despairing because the whole institution seems like an impenetrable brick wall when it comes to complaints or concerns. Does anyone have any advice on how to escalate this, internally or externally?