TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Legendary Member
Premium Member
Oct 26, 2022
Just did the half assessment day with Freshfields in Jan but they still haven't got back to me. They said it could take a couple weeks but now I am nervous.

I recently got a rejection from Hogan Lovells after taking part in their assessment centre so my confidence is pretty low now.
I’m sorry you feel like this! Firstly congratulations on getting to AC for two amazing firms ☺️
If you haven’t already, definitely ask HL for some feedback. It would be very useful for future ACs ☺️
re Freshfields, all you can do is wait really. I’ve been told that I’d hear back within a certain timeframe from firms, heard back after this specified timeframe and frequently still received positive news. Keep yourself focused on uni work/employment/other applications etc! I wish you the best of luck re hearing back from Freshfields with good news ☺️


Distinguished Member
  • Jul 16, 2022
    I’m sorry you feel like this! Firstly congratulations on getting to AC for two amazing firms ☺️
    If you haven’t already, definitely ask HL for some feedback. It would be very useful for future ACs ☺️
    re Freshfields, all you can do is wait really. I’ve been told that I’d hear back within a certain timeframe from firms, heard back after this specified timeframe and frequently still received positive news. Keep yourself focused on uni work/employment/other applications etc! I wish you the best of luck re hearing back from Freshfields with good news ☺️
    Thanks, I feel my general interview ended a bit awkwardly with Freshfields though since I initially forgot to press end call and was still on for a few seconds longer than I needed to be. I feel the analytical and written assessment went well though so could offset this :)

    Not many firms left to apply for now, once I got the AC invites it sort of paralysed my other applications and I was just focused on getting prepared. Obviously have to keep on track with uni work which thankfully hasn't been an issue for me.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Just did the half assessment day with Freshfields in Jan but they still haven't got back to me. They said it could take a couple weeks but now I am nervous.

    I recently got a rejection from Hogan Lovells after taking part in their assessment centre so my confidence is pretty low now.
    If it was early or mid-January, I would contact them and ask when you should expect to hear back.
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