TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Sep 12, 2021
Does FF get back to people on a rolling basis or are they waiting to interview everyone first? Because if it is the latter, iirc ACs only wrap up in the 3rd week of September
I guess they get back to people on a rolling basis. I know a candidate who is currently working at Freshfields and she mentioned that grad recruitment said they aim to get back to candidates within 1-2 weeks.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2021
I have a written exercise coming up for an AC. Is anyone able to share what firms are looking for when doing a written exercise or the best way to approach it, like for example one that requires you to analyse different options for a client. I don't just want to copy the wording from the information pack into the client letter, so is it best to do something such as analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each option. Any insight would be great, thank you!


Active Member
  • Jul 3, 2022
    I have a written exercise coming up for an AC. Is anyone able to share what firms are looking for when doing a written exercise or the best way to approach it, like for example one that requires you to analyse different options for a client. I don't just want to copy the wording from the information pack into the client letter, so is it best to do something such as analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each option. Any insight would be great, thank you!
    I always use the PESTLE or SWOT analysis for written exercises. Also, I memorize the firm's practice areas and incorporate how each department can help the client with their issue. Hope this helps x


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    Jan 16, 2021
    Anyone have any tips/advice for Freshfields' analytical interview specifically? It's one of the AC components and I know it's usually based on a FT or Economist article. Any further insight would be appreciated.
    Read as many FT and Economist articles as you can! Not only will this help you become familiar with the writing style but it will also expose you to current topics that you can cross reference in your interview.

    Be familiar with reading and making notes on an article in 30 minutes - SWOT, PESTLE, summary etc

    Try not to just say I don't know - always say I am not entirely sure but X etc

    Figure out what any key words in the article mean as they may ask you to define some

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Read as many FT and Economist articles as you can! Not only will this help you become familiar with the writing style but it will also expose you to current topics that you can cross reference in your interview.

    Be familiar with reading and making notes on an article in 30 minutes - SWOT, PESTLE, summary etc

    Try not to just say I don't know - always say I am not entirely sure but X etc

    Figure out what any key words in the article mean as they may ask you to define some
    I wouldn’t say “read” as many as you can - but I think it’s worthwhile picking out a reasonable number of them (say 4-6) and then reading and analysing them. Reading them alone won’t really help, but ensuring you analyse them in a short timeframe (eg 30 minutes) like you would do in the interview is more helpful.
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    Legendary Member
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    Oct 25, 2021
    Hello all! It’s good to see some familiar names still around and really exciting to have new members.

    I am about to enter my third proper cycle. Last year started off brilliantly. Almost all my apps progressed to test or VI stage. I was disciplined and motivated and kicking ass. And then my parent had a major health scare, I had to rush to their country to support them and I failed every VI.

    I sort of stepped away from this process for the past 6 months. I am a career changer but had stayed at a job I’d outgrown while applying for TC. I decided I’d had enough so set aside this process, and instead applied for and have now begun a governance role in a financial services firm. So, now refreshed, I’m back.

    If you’ve stayed with me for this long, thank you and here’s my question: how do I reapply to those firms where I got through the application stage. I know I need to practice and do better at VI but my apps were really good and were successful. Obviously I can update them re my new job but apart from that not much has changed. I still want a career in law for the same reasons as before; my feelings towards the firms, which were well-bolstered by research and attending events, remain steady. Any tips on how to refresh my applications?

    Thank you so much!
    Hi @Veep9- it's so good to see you post again! Congratulations on securing a governance role and well done on taking a break and stepping away to focus on your family and yourself- being self assured enough to do this is not only a commendable trait but also a rare one.

    In terms of reapplying to those firms where you got through the application stage, your application answers could be rephrased and rewritten so that your motivations come across as being detailed, more developed and based on deeper knowledge about commercial law and the firm as well. You could attend more recent events with the firm as well to showcase your continuing interest.

    A key point here is to reflect on your break and your new role to convey how your skills and character traits have developed in the face of these key events since your last application cycle. How have these events impacted your resilience, ability to prioritise, take initiative etc.? How have you been able to hone your teamwork, attention to detail, organisation, communication skills through your current job? How can you link your current role in financial services to your work as a commercial solicitor? How has your current role taught you the value of prioritising your client's interests and how can this translate into your work in commercial law?

    Thinking about these questions and tailoring your application accordingly will undoubtedly help you make more distinct applications from the last cycle. Wishing you the very best!
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    Legendary Member
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    Oct 25, 2021
    I have a written exercise coming up for an AC. Is anyone able to share what firms are looking for when doing a written exercise or the best way to approach it, like for example one that requires you to analyse different options for a client. I don't just want to copy the wording from the information pack into the client letter, so is it best to do something such as analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each option. Any insight would be great, thank you!
    Linking some tips here and a general structure you can follow! Let me know if these are helpful!
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