SRA Character and Suitability (Debt Management Plan) admission


Standard Member
Feb 4, 2024
I was wondering if someone on here can help me. I am a trainee solicitor and I am due to qualify at the end of June 2024. I am currently on a debt management plan (DMP) which I disclosed to the SRA via the early character and suitability assessment route. A bit of background, I got into some credit card debt during my time at University (2013-2016) and during the 2/3 year period after I moved back home. I had some family troubles which meant i had to leave the family home and struggles to keep up with bills, I also had severe mental health problems and struggled with alcoholism and have been in recovery for nearly 5 years now. I entered the DMP in November 2019 and kept up with all payments, however, as I had to stop paying my creditors my credit file showed some defaults hence why I had to disclose this issues. The SRA found there to be no issues with my character and suitability.

I was made aware at the time that I have to redisclose the issue when I apply to be admitted to the roll. The SRA have advised that although they are not bound by their decision they do usually uphold their decision and I have a friend who recently qualified after having numerous driving offences and disclosing the issue via the early character and suitability assessment. I contacted the caseworker recently who dealt with my early suitability assessment and he confirmed that as long as nothing has changed then they will uphold their decision. Nothing has changed and I have continued to pay the monthly agreed amounts under the DMP and my settlement date for the DMP is actually now 2 months sooner that anticipated when I disclosed the issue as I have increased my payment amount. I also anticipate that i will be able to pay this sooner that the 2026 date as my salary will double when I qualify. The SRA took this into account when considering my suitability and found it to be a mitigating factor.

The caseworker who dealt with my early assessment in 2022 recently advised me though there is a potential that the redisclosure may affect my qualification date as my case will have to be allocated and reviewed by a caseworker which could take up to 6 weeks! I however, spoke to two people on the SRA pre-admission line who told that this wouldn't affect my qualification date as these types of applications are normally decided within 30 days and also they already have most of my details from the first assessment.

I have secured an NQ position at a new firm which I am due to start a week after i qualify and I am worried that this may impact my start date. I have already made my current firm aware of this and they advised me that this shouldn't be an issue and in any case its my responsibility as disclosure is done after my firm has signed off my training. I am also going to make my new firm aware of this just in case it does affect my start date.

My question is has anyone been through or is aware of anyone who has been through a similar procedure and whether they have had any issue with the qualification date?

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