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Please provide us with any further information...?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2019
I'm doing an application in which the questions cover all the standard 'why law? why this firm? what skills?' etc. & also requires a cover letter so I'm a bit stumped re what to answer for "please provide us with any further information that is relevant to your application" -- and its compulsory !! any help would be appreciated, thank you! x


Valued Member
Jan 16, 2019
Is this a contextual question or is it referring to mitigating circumstances? If the former, I would think of anything else that makes you stand out that you didn't have room to discuss under the other headings. Maybe other extra-curricular activities or international experiences??
Reactions: Daniel Boden and Salma


Legendary Member
Feb 28, 2018
Agree with what Victoria said, it is another chance for you to ‘sell’ yourself. If you feel that you have further information to add as to why you’re suited to the role/firm, then I would suggest adding it to this question here.
Reactions: v123

Daniel Boden

Legendary Member
Highest Rated Member
  • Sep 6, 2018
    I'm doing an application in which the questions cover all the standard 'why law? why this firm? what skills?' etc. & also requires a cover letter so I'm a bit stumped re what to answer for "please provide us with any further information that is relevant to your application" -- and its compulsory !! any help would be appreciated, thank you! x
    Weil have a very similar question like this in their app. I used it to list a couple of skills and examples of them using the STAR format and then did a final paragraph explaining how these skills related back to the firm e.g. 'teamwork is important because of the small nature of the deal teams at "x"' Hope that helps :)

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    The Corporate Law Academy (TCLA) was founded in 2018 because we wanted to improve the legal journey. We wanted more transparency and better training. We wanted to form a community of aspiring lawyers who care about becoming the best version of themselves.


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