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Norton Rose Fullbright Confused on Cover Letter


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Jul 23, 2023
Please explain your motivations for pursuing a career as a commercial solicitor and why you think Norton Rose Fulbright would be a good match for you (Maximum 750 words).*

Generally, id approach this as 1) Why am I interested in commercial law? 2) Why I would be well-suited for corporate law 3) Why NRF. However, the way this question is phrased makes me think I should skip why I'd be well suited??

Any help here is appreciated

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
You could weave a little bit of why you would be well suited to the firm whilst answering the firm is a good match for you (as it effectively it’s about saying how you both match each other), but I agree you don’t need to heavily explain your capabilities as this is clearly a more motivational based question.
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